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Version: 2.x

WYSIWYG components

For a tangible example and explanation, please refer to Display WYSIWYG content (legacy) advanced documentation.

Please note that this reference is about the legacy Wysiwyg component. The new behavior is fully described in the new Display WYSIWYG content



  • option: the first parameter is an object with the following properties

    • richTextPropName string (default: "content"): the name of the new property which contains the html when using the enhanced component.
    • shortcodes function: a function that takes the props of your component and that returns the list of shortcodes used in the WYSIWYG. Each shortcode is an object which contains the keys:
      • regex RegExp: the regex that allows to match the shortcode within the HTML
      • replacement (second argument of String.prototype.replace): how should the matched string be replaced
    • transforms array: the list of transforms that should be applied to your HTML. Each transform is a function with the following signature (node, convertNodeToElement) => null|ReactElement where:
      • node is a parsed node element as defined in react-html-parser
      • convertNodeToElement allows to parse children of the current node Usually used like this
      • the result is either null if the node does not match the current transform or a React Element if it matches.

    Splitting your transforms in multiple functions allows you to easily split your code where each function corresponds to a single component.

Code example

import EnhanceWysiwyg from "theme/modules/Wysiwyg/EnhanceWysiwyg";

shortcodes: (props) => [
regex: /{{custom-shortcode}}/gi,
replacement: "<custom-element></custom-element>",
transforms: [
(node) => {
if ( === "custom-element") {
return <CustomComponent />;