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Loading Prismic Content

Learn how to load and transform Prismic content in your Front-Commerce application using the Prismic loader and transformers.


The Prismic module provides a powerful loader and transformers to expose Prismic content in your Front-Commerce GraphQL API. This guide will show you how to:

  1. Load different types of content from Prismic
  2. Transform Prismic fields into usable formats
  3. Expose the content through your GraphQL API

Loading Content

The Prismic loader provides several methods to load content:

Single Type Documents

For Single Type documents:

import { createGraphQLRuntime } from "@front-commerce/core/graphql";

export default createGraphQLRuntime({
resolvers: {
Query: {
homepage: async (_, __, { loaders }) => {
return loaders.Prismic.loadSingle("homepage");

Documents by UID

For documents with a UID field:

import { createGraphQLRuntime } from "@front-commerce/core/graphql";

export default createGraphQLRuntime({
resolvers: {
Query: {
article: async (_, { slug }, { loaders }) => {
return loaders.Prismic.loadByUID("article", slug);

Lists of Documents

To load multiple documents with filtering and pagination:

import { createGraphQLRuntime } from "@front-commerce/core/graphql";

export default createGraphQLRuntime({
resolvers: {
Query: {
articles: async (_, { page, search }, { loaders }) => {
const ListQuery = loaders.Prismic.queries.ListQuery;
const query = new ListQuery(10, page || 1);

query.type("article").sortBy("document.last_publication_date", "desc");

if (search) {;

return loaders.Prismic.loadList(query);

Transforming Fields

Prismic fields often need transformation before they can be used effectively. The module provides several transformers:

Basic Field Transformers

import { createGraphQLModule } from "@front-commerce/core/graphql";

export default createGraphQLModule({
namespace: "MyModule",
dependencies: ["Prismic/Core", "Front-Commerce/Wysiwyg"],
typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ `
type Article {
title: String
content: DefaultWysiwyg
image: String
imageAlt: String
lastUpdate: String

extend type Query {
article(slug: String!): Article
loadRuntime: () => import("./runtime"),

The LinkTransformer can rewrite Prismic links to work with your Front-Commerce routes:

import { createGraphQLRuntime } from "@front-commerce/core/graphql";

export default createGraphQLRuntime({
contextEnhancer: ({ loaders }) => {
const linkTransformer = new LinkTransformer([

loaders.Prismic.defineContentTransformers("article", {
fieldTransformers: {
content: new RichtextToWysiwygTransformer(
link: linkTransformer,

return {};

Error Handling

Always handle potential errors when loading content:

import { createGraphQLRuntime } from "@front-commerce/core/graphql";

export default createGraphQLRuntime({
resolvers: {
Query: {
article: async (_, { slug }, { loaders }) => {
try {
return await loaders.Prismic.loadByUID("article", slug);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Failed to load article ${slug}:`, error);
return null;

See Also