Loading Prismic Content
Learn how to load and transform Prismic content in your Front-Commerce application using the Prismic loader and transformers.
The Prismic module provides a powerful loader and transformers to expose Prismic content in your Front-Commerce GraphQL API. This guide will show you how to:
- Load different types of content from Prismic
- Transform Prismic fields into usable formats
- Expose the content through your GraphQL API
Loading Content
The Prismic loader provides several methods to load content:
Single Type Documents
For Single Type documents:
import { createGraphQLRuntime } from "@front-commerce/core/graphql";
export default createGraphQLRuntime({
resolvers: {
Query: {
homepage: async (_, __, { loaders }) => {
return loaders.Prismic.loadSingle("homepage");
Documents by UID
For documents with a UID field:
import { createGraphQLRuntime } from "@front-commerce/core/graphql";
export default createGraphQLRuntime({
resolvers: {
Query: {
article: async (_, { slug }, { loaders }) => {
return loaders.Prismic.loadByUID("article", slug);
Lists of Documents
To load multiple documents with filtering and pagination:
import { createGraphQLRuntime } from "@front-commerce/core/graphql";
export default createGraphQLRuntime({
resolvers: {
Query: {
articles: async (_, { page, search }, { loaders }) => {
const ListQuery = loaders.Prismic.queries.ListQuery;
const query = new ListQuery(10, page || 1);
query.type("article").sortBy("document.last_publication_date", "desc");
if (search) {
return loaders.Prismic.loadList(query);
Transforming Fields
Prismic fields often need transformation before they can be used effectively. The module provides several transformers:
Basic Field Transformers
- my-extension/index.ts
- my-extension/runtime.ts
import { createGraphQLModule } from "@front-commerce/core/graphql";
export default createGraphQLModule({
namespace: "MyModule",
dependencies: ["Prismic/Core", "Front-Commerce/Wysiwyg"],
typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ `
type Article {
title: String
content: DefaultWysiwyg
image: String
imageAlt: String
lastUpdate: String
extend type Query {
article(slug: String!): Article
loadRuntime: () => import("./runtime"),
import { createGraphQLRuntime } from "@front-commerce/core/graphql";
export default createGraphQLRuntime({
contextEnhancer: ({ loaders }) => {
const {
} = loaders.Prismic.transformers;
loaders.Prismic.defineContentTransformers("article", {
fieldTransformers: {
title: new TitleTransformer(),
content: new RichtextToWysiwygTransformer(loaders.Wysiwyg),
image: new ImageTransformer(),
lastUpdate: new DateTransformer(),
return {};
resolvers: {
Query: {
article: async (_, { slug }, { loaders }) => {
return loaders.Prismic.loadByUID("article", slug);
Article: {
imageAlt: (article) => article.image.main.alt,
Link Transformation
The LinkTransformer
can rewrite Prismic links to work with your Front-Commerce
import { createGraphQLRuntime } from "@front-commerce/core/graphql";
export default createGraphQLRuntime({
contextEnhancer: ({ loaders }) => {
const linkTransformer = new LinkTransformer([
loaders.Prismic.defineContentTransformers("article", {
fieldTransformers: {
content: new RichtextToWysiwygTransformer(
link: linkTransformer,
return {};
Error Handling
Always handle potential errors when loading content:
import { createGraphQLRuntime } from "@front-commerce/core/graphql";
export default createGraphQLRuntime({
resolvers: {
Query: {
article: async (_, { slug }, { loaders }) => {
try {
return await loaders.Prismic.loadByUID("article", slug);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Failed to load article ${slug}:`, error);
return null;
See Also
- API Reference for detailed API documentation
- Adding Integration Fields for connecting external data
- Adding Content Slices for dynamic content blocks
- Using Prismic Preview for content previews