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API Reference

A reference to the API specification for the @front-commerce/prismic package.

Core API


The main function to initialize the Prismic extension in your Front-Commerce application.

import prismic from "@front-commerce/prismic";

export default {
extensions: [prismic()],

Integration Fields

The Prismic module provides two main ways to implement Integration Fields:


A class to create custom integration fields with full control over data fetching and transformation.

import { IntegrationField } from "@front-commerce/prismic";

interface UserData {
userId: string;
name: string;
email: string;
updated_at: string;
avatar_url?: string;

const userIntegrationField = new IntegrationField<UserData>({
// Function to fetch paginated results from your data source
loadPullResults: async (page, shopUrl) => {
const users = await fetchUsers(page);

return {
results: => ({
id: user.userId,
image_url: user.avatar_url
? new URL(user.avatar_url, shopUrl).toString()
: undefined,
last_update: new Date(user.updated_at).valueOf(),
blob: user, // Original data available in resolveEntity

// Function to resolve the entity in your GraphQL context
resolveEntity: (blob, context) => {
return context.loaders.User.load(blob.userId);

// Optional: control pagination behavior
autoPaginate: true,

Configuration Options:

  • loadPullResults: Function to fetch and format data for Prismic
    • Parameters:
      • page: Current page number
      • shopUrl: Base URL of the shop
    • Returns: Promise or direct value of IntegrationFieldApiResponse
  • resolveEntity: Function to resolve the entity from blob data
    • Parameters:
      • blob: The blob data stored in Prismic
      • context: GraphQL context with loaders
    • Returns: Promise of the resolved entity or null
  • autoPaginate: Boolean to control automatic pagination (defaults to true)

See: Adding Integration Fields for implementation examples.


A class to create integration fields that leverage your existing sitemap data.

import { SitemapIntegrationField } from "@front-commerce/prismic";

const productIntegrationField = new SitemapIntegrationField<
// Name of your sitemap fetcher
sitemapFetcher: "products",

// Convert sitemap entry to Prismic's format
convertSitemapEntry: (entry, shopUrl) => {
if (! return null;

let imageUrl = entry.images?.[0];
if (imageUrl) {
imageUrl = new URL(imageUrl, shopUrl).toString();

return {
image_url: imageUrl,
last_update: new Date(,

// Resolve the entity in your GraphQL context
resolveEntity: (blob, context) => {
return context.loaders.Product.load(;

Configuration Options:

  • sitemapFetcher: Name of the sitemap fetcher to use
  • convertSitemapEntry: Function to convert sitemap entries to Prismic format
    • Parameters:
      • entry: The sitemap entry with data
      • shopUrl: Base URL of the shop
    • Returns: Integration field entry without blob or null
  • resolveEntity: Function to resolve the entity from blob data
    • Parameters:
      • blob: The blob data stored in Prismic
      • context: GraphQL context with loaders
    • Returns: Promise of the resolved entity or null

See: Adding Integration Fields for implementation examples.

Content Loading

The Prismic module provides several methods to load content from your Prismic repository:


Loads a single document of a specific type.

const homepage = await loaders.Prismic.loadSingle("homepage");

See: Loading Prismic Content for usage examples.

loadByUID(typeIdentifier, uid)

Loads a document by its Unique ID (UID).

const article = await loaders.Prismic.loadByUID("article", "my-article-slug");

See: Loading Prismic Content for usage examples.


Loads a document by its ID.

const document = await loaders.Prismic.loadByID("XYZ123");

See: Loading Prismic Content for usage examples.


Loads a list of documents matching specific criteria.

const ListQuery = loaders.Prismic.queries.ListQuery;
const query = new ListQuery(10, 1) // pageSize, page
.sortBy("document.last_publication_date", "desc");

const articles = await loaders.Prismic.loadList(query);

See: Loading Prismic Content for usage examples.

Content Transformers

The Prismic module provides several transformers to convert Prismic field values into more usable formats:

  • TitleTransformer: Transforms Prismic Title fields
  • RichtextToWysiwygTransformer: Transforms Rich Text fields to Wysiwyg format
  • ImageTransformer: Transforms Image fields with support for views
  • LinkTransformer: Transforms Link fields with support for local URL rewriting
  • IntegrationFieldTransformer: Transforms Integration Field references

Example usage:

const { RichtextToWysiwygTransformer, ImageTransformer } =

loaders.Prismic.defineContentTransformers("my-type", {
fieldTransformers: {
content: new RichtextToWysiwygTransformer(loaders.Wysiwyg),
image: new ImageTransformer(),

See: Loading Prismic Content for more examples of using transformers.

X-Ray Support

The Prismic module provides built-in support for Front-Commerce's X-Ray feature through metadata extractors.


Creates a metadata extractor for enabling X-Ray support on Prismic content.

import { createPrismicMetadataExtractor } from "@front-commerce/prismic";

// For single types with a static identifier
const HomePageExtractor = createPrismicMetadataExtractor(
"PrismicHomePage", // The identifier used in @storefrontContent directive
"home_page" // Static identifier

// For types with dynamic identifiers (e.g., using UIDs)
const BlogPostExtractor = createPrismicMetadataExtractor(
(data) => data.uid // Function to extract identifier

// For Prismic Slices
const SliceExtractor = createPrismicMetadataExtractor(
(content, source) => source.documentMetadata.sliceID ?? ""


  • extractorIdentifier: The identifier string used to match Prismic content with GraphQL types via the @storefrontContent directive
  • identifierValue: Either a static string identifier or a function to extract the identifier from the content
    • If string: Used as-is (good for single types)
    • If function: Called with (fieldData, source) to compute the identifier dynamically

The extractor automatically:

  • Generates edit URLs for Prismic's writing room
  • Handles both document and slice-level content
  • Integrates with Front-Commerce's X-Ray UI

See: Using X-Ray with Prismic for implementation examples.


Core Types

The module exports several TypeScript types for type safety:

import type {
// The prismic client defined in the dependency injection
// The integration field type
// The sitemap integration field type
// The metadata extractor type
} from "@front-commerce/prismic";

GraphQL Types

The module also exports types specific to GraphQL integration:

import type {
// The main Prismic loader type
// Available content transformers
// Options for configuring content transformers
// Type definitions for Prismic loaders
} from "@front-commerce/prismic/graphql";

Resolver Cache API

See: Using Resolver Cache for implementation examples.

PrismicCachedResolver(resolver, options?)

A higher-order resolver that caches Prismic content at the resolver level. It automatically handles cache invalidation based on Prismic document references.

import { PrismicCachedResolver } from "@front-commerce/prismic/graphql";

const cachedResolver = PrismicCachedResolver(originalResolver, {
mapParamsToId: (source, args, context) => args.slug,
contentProperty: "data",


  • resolver: The original resolver function that returns Prismic content
  • options: Optional configuration object
    • mapParamsToId: Function to generate a unique cache key from resolver parameters
    • contentProperty: String indicating which property contains the Prismic content (for nested results)


A new resolver function that caches its results based on Prismic document references.

Cache Types:

The resolver supports three types of caching:

  • singleton: For single document results
  • list: For arrays of documents
  • null: For explicitly cached null results using NullContent


A utility class for caching null results while maintaining Prismic document references.

import { NullContent } from "@front-commerce/prismic/graphql";

const resolver = PrismicCachedResolver((parent, args, { loaders }) => {
const content = await loaders.Prismic.loadByUID("page", args.uid);
return content ? content : new NullContent(args.uid);


  • contentOrDocumentId: Either a Prismic Content object or a document ID string


A NullContent instance that can be cached by PrismicCachedResolver.