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CSS variables

This reference lists all the CSS variables useful for customizing the theme.

Front-Commerce's theme Chocolatine uses a set of CSS variables defined in theme/_variables.scss to ensure a certain consistency in the application's design. We recommend to reuse these variables as much as possible, and adapting them to your project's design choices. See Customize the styles for more details about adapting your application to your brand.


Defined in theme/components/atoms/Colors/_colors.scss, color variables are useful to ensure a consistent design in your app.

Base colors variables

Those variables are often used to define other meaningful variables, and serve as a root color definition base for your theme. They are used in a wide variety of situation in Theme Chocolatine, from text color to backgrounds.

  • --white, --black and --red
  • --shade02, --shade03, --shade04, --shade05 and --shade06

Informational colors

These colors are used to provide quick visual feedback to the user as to the nature of the information shown to them. They are often used anywhere an interaction has been made.

  • --success
  • --info
  • --warning
  • --invertedWarning
  • --error

"Brand" colors

Brand colors should be the main colors in your theme. They should be a color that demands attention, and should be part of the colors that are the most present in your visuals and marketing material.

  • --brandPrimary is used nearly everywhere in the theme, it is the colors that defines the "mood" of your design.
  • --brandSecondary is mainly used to bring color "accents" throughout the theme.

"Components" colors

These variables are meant to provide the same color base for all components to use. Currently, those variables are:

  • --backgroundColor
  • --divider
  • --fontColor
  • --fontDisabled
  • --hoverableColor
  • --inputBorderColor
  • --modalBackground
  • --modalBorderColor
  • --optionColor
  • --optionItemBackground
  • --optionItemColor

Front-Commerce color variables

These variable are solely used for components specific to Front-Commerce, such as the Editorial Toolbox, or the Magic Button. They are not meant to be overriden. At the time of writing, there is only one such variable, frontCommercePrimary.

Layout variables

Breakpoint variables

Defined in theme/components/atoms/Breakpoints/_breakpoints.scss those variables are used for media queries to determine at what point the app should be rendered for desktop or mobile. Those variables are:

  • --menuBreakpoint is used to hide desktop-only or mobile-only element depending on the viewport width
  • --tabletBreakpoint is used to determine what the layout should look like depending on the viewport width

Spacing variables

Defined in theme/_variables.scss, those variables are used to help keeping a consistent layout and spacing between component around the whole app. Those variables are:

  • --boxSizeMargin
  • --smallContainerWidth
  • --containerWidth

Check for unused variables and custom properties

Front-Commerce provides a script to check for unusued SCSS variables and custom properties in your project.

To use it, run the following command from your skeleton:

npm run front-commerce find-unused-style-variables <path/to/your/theme> [path/to/your/other/theme] ...
--help, -hDisplay the script's help