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Version: 3.x


Since version 3.6

Cache-Control headers are implemented to improve user experience by instructing browsers to store parts of the webpage in their internal cache. By default, Front-Commerce already applies Cache-Control headers to several important routes:

  • Products pages
  • Categories pages
  • Home page
  • /robots.txt
  • /sitemaps.xml

How to use Cache-Control headers in Front-Commerce

In Front-Commerce, adding Cache-Control headers to route is done by leveraging the CacheControl service, available from FrontCommerceApp.


To learn more about available services in Front-Commerce, see our documentation

In this example, we'll add Cache-Control headers on a "Acme" route.

import Acme from "theme/pages/Acme";
import type { LoaderFunction } from "@remix-run/node";
import { json } from "@front-commerce/remix/node";
import { FrontCommerceApp } from "@front-commerce/remix";
import { AcmeDocument } from "~/graphql/graphql";

export const loader: LoaderFunction = ({ context }) => {
const app = new FrontCommerceApp(context.frontCommerce);{
sMaxAge: 60,
staleWhileRevalidate: 21600,

const response = await app.graphql.query(AcmeDocument);

return json({ acme: response.acme });

export default function Index() {
return <Acme />;

This snippet will inform the browser that the data resulting from requesting this route can be safely cached for 60 seconds, and that the cached version can still be served for 6 hours while the data is being fetched again in the background.