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Since version 3.6

Maintenance Mode

You may want to put one or more of your stores in maintenance mode while you do some maintenance work/deployment tasks on your store(s).

Front-Commerce comes with an API that allows you to put/remove a store in maintenance mode. To enable the maintenance mode API you need to set the FRONT_COMMERCE_MAINTENANCE_MODE_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN environment variable.


Once you have setup the FRONT_COMMERCE_MAINTENANCE_MODE_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN environment variable the maintenance mode API will be available after restarting the server

The Maintenance Mode API

Bypassing the maintenance mode

To bypass the maintenance mode for certain IP addresses you can configure the maintenance.authorizedIps in your front-commerce.config.ts file.

import { defineConfig } from "@front-commerce/core";

export default defineConfig({
maintenance: {
authorizedIps: ["", "", "2ce8:c427::7156:ad8e"],

Please configure both v4 and v6 IP as much as possible.

To retrieve your IP address you can use or via the curl command:

$ curl -6
# 2ce8:c427::7156:ad8e
$ curl -4