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Public Configuration

The public configuration is a set of configuration options that are available to any user of the application, they are accessible both from the client and the server.

Extending the public configuration

To extend the public configuration please ensure you have read the Add a configuration provider section.

The public configuration can be extended by Adding a configuration provider which exposes a public object in the schema, for example:

export default {
name: "acme-config",
schema: () => ({
// it's import to extend the `public` object
public: {
acmeValue: {
doc: "The public api key for ACME",
format: String,
default: undefined,

You can then add this to your extension definition:

import configProvider from "./configProvider";
import { defineExtension } from "@front-commerce/core";

export default defineExtension({
name: "acme",
theme: "./extensions/acme/theme",
configuration: {
providers: [configProvider],

Reading the custom public configuration

You should now be able to access the value from the client or server as any other public configuration value.

From the Client

To access the public configuration from the client you can use the usePublicConfig hook, or the getPublicConfig function.

  • The usePublicConfig hook is mainly used to access the public configuration from a React component.
  • The getPublicConfig function is used to access the public configuration from a non-React component.

We additionally attached the public configuration to the window.__FRONT_COMMERCE__.publicConfig object.

import { usePublicConfig } from "@front-commerce/core/react";

const MyComponent = () => {
const { acmeValue } = usePublicConfig();

return <div>ACME value: {acmeValue}</div>;

From the Server

You can access the public configuration from the server using the config from your FrontCommerceApp

import type { LoaderFunctionArgs, ActionFunctionArgs } from "@remix-run/node";
import { FrontCommerceApp } from "@front-commerce/remix";

export const loader = ({ context }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const app = new FrontCommerceApp(context.frontCommerce);
const acmeValue = app.config.public.acmeValue;

// do something

export const action = ({ context }: ActionFunctionArgs) => {
const app = new FrontCommerceApp(context.frontCommerce);
const acmeValue = app.config.public.acmeValue;

// do something

From GraphQL resolvers

You can access the public configuration from your GraphQL resolvers:

import type { FrontCommerceContext } from "@front-commerce/core";
import type { MyResolverArgs } from "../types";

export default {
Query: {
myResolver: async (parent, args, context, info) => {
const acmeValue = context.config.public.acmeValue;

// do something