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In Front-Commerce v3.4, we introduced a new way to test your application using `vitest`. This guide will help you to create your first test to ensure your application is working as expected.

Since version 3.4



Tests defined in your custom extensions will only be tested if the extension has been added to the front-commerce.config.ts

We match tests to the following patterns:

  • **/*.{test,spec}.?(c|m)[jt]s?(x) - file based testing
  • **/__tests__/*.?(c|m)[jt]s?(x) - folder based testing

Testing a Component

To test a component you can implement a test file with the following structure:

const MyComponent = () => {
const intl = useIntl();
return <Button>{intl.formatMessage("my-button.label")}</Button>;

describe("MyComponent", () => {
it("should render the Hello World text", () => {
render(<MyComponent />);
expect(screen.getByText("Hello World")).toBeInTheDocument();

You will notice at this stage the test will fail because the useIntl is missing the context for the IntlProvider. To fix this, you can use the FrontCommerceProviderStub to provide the context to the component.

import { createFrontCommerceProviderStub } from "@front-commerce/core/testing";
import { render, screen } from "@testing-library/react";

const FrontCommerceProviderStub = createFrontCommerceProviderStub({
messages: {
"my-button.label": "Hello World",

const MyComponent = () => {
const intl = useIntl();
return <Button>{intl.formatMessage("my-button.label")}</Button>;

describe("MyComponent", () => {
it("should render the Hello World text", () => {
<MyComponent />
expect(screen.getByText("Hello World")).toBeInTheDocument();

Testing a Route

To test a route you can implement a test file with the following structure:


Do not place the test file in the app/routes directory. As this will be detected as a nested route by Remix.

import { json } from "@front-commerce/remix/node";
import { createRemixStub } from "@remix-run/testing";
import { render, screen, waitFor } from "@testing-library/react";
import { createFrontCommerceProviderStub } from "@front-commerce/core/testing";

import HelloWorldRoute from "../../routes/hello-world";

const FrontCommerceProviderStub = createFrontCommerceProviderStub();

describe("hello-world route", () => {
it("should render the component with fetched data", async () => {
// Define your mock data based on the expected GraphQL response structure
const mockData = {
shop: {
url: "",
me: {
firstname: "John",
navigationMenu: [
{ id: "1", name: "Category 1", path: "/category-1" },
{ id: "2", name: "Category 2", path: "/category-2" },
{ id: "3", name: "Category 3", path: "/category-3" },
title: "Hello World",

const RemixStub = createRemixStub([
path: "/",
Component: () => (
<HelloWorldRoute />
loader: () => {
return json(mockData);

render(<RemixStub />);

// Note that the rendering is asynchronous, so we need to wait for the component to be rendered
await waitFor(() => {
expect(screen.getByText(`Hi John 👋`)).toBeInTheDocument();
screen.getByText(`Welcome to`)
// Verify one of the navigation menu items is rendered
expect(screen.getByText("Category 1")).toBeInTheDocument();