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Testing is an important part of the development process. It helps to ensure that the code is working as expected and that it is not breaking any existing functionality. In this section, we will cover all the tools and utilities that we provide for testing.

Since version 3.4


This function is used to create a stub for the FrontCommerceProvider component. It is useful for testing components that depend on the FrontCommerceProvider component.

Props (optional)

deviceDevice typeDeviceLink
messagesTranslations messagesRecord<string, string>-
isContributionModeEnabledContribution mode statusboolean-
publicConfigPublic configPublicConfigLink


import { createFrontCommerceProviderStub } from "@front-commerce/core/testing";

const FrontCommerceProviderStub = createFrontCommerceProviderStub(/* props */);


The usage is exactly the same as the original makeDataLoader api.


import { makeDataLoaderStub } from "@front-commerce/core/testing";
import CategoryLoader from "./CategoryLoader";

const createSUT = (mockServer) => {
const axiosInstance = axios.create({
baseURL: `${mockServer.url}/api/rest`,
timeout: 50000,
return CategoryLoader(makeDataLoaderStub)(axiosInstance);