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Environment variables

Host Configuration

Environment VariableDescription
FRONT_COMMERCE_PORTThe port of the launched server (default: 4000)
FRONT_COMMERCE_ENVdevelopment or production to remove debugging options on the server side (default: development)
FRONT_COMMERCE_COOKIE_PASSA secret to secure the cookies exchanged with the client
FRONT_COMMERCE_COOKIE_MAX_AGE_IN_SECONDSConfigure the redis session duration (default: 60 * 60 * 24 -> 1 day)

Cache Configuration

Environment VariableDescription
FRONT_COMMERCE_CACHE_API_TOKENToken that lets external applications invalidate parts of Front-Commerce cache
FRONT_COMMERCE_CART_CACHE_ENABLEAllows to enable the cart cache
FRONT_COMMERCE_CURRENT_CUSTOMER_CACHE_ENABLEAllows to enable the current customer cache
FRONT_COMMERCE_BACKEND_IGNORE_CACHE_REGEXRegular expression pattern to disable browser caching and image resizing for matching paths
FRONT_COMMERCE_CLOUD_REDIS_SESSIONS_PORTDefine the Redis port (default: 6379)
FRONT_COMMERCE_CLOUD_REDIS_SESSIONS_DBDefine the number of Redis session (default: 2)
FRONT_COMMERCE_CLOUD_REDIS_SESSIONS_JOURNEY_DBDefine the number of Redis session for the user journey (default: 3)

Image Configuration

Environment VariableDescription
FRONT_COMMERCE_DEV_IMAGE_ERROR_DISABLEDisables the image resizing errors for malformed requests

Account Configuration

Environment VariableDescription
FRONT_COMMERCE_ACCOUNT_ALLOW_COMPANYControls whether company account creation is enabled (default: false)
FRONT_COMMERCE_ACCOUNT_ALLOW_INDIVIDUALControls whether individual account creation is enabled (default: true)
FRONT_COMMERCE_ACCOUNT_ALLOW_COMPANY_DETAILS_EDITIONControls whether companies can edit their details after account creation (default: true)
FRONT_COMMERCE_ACCOUNT_ALLOW_CREATIONMaster switch for account creation functionality (default: true)

Maintenance Mode

Environment VariableDescription
FRONT_COMMERCE_MAINTENANCE_MODE_AUTHORIZATION_TOKENThe authorization token required to activate or deactivate maintenance mode (default: "")