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This guides explains how to configure the Algolia extension to leverage custom indices.


After installing the Algolia package, you need to enable the corresponding extension. For that, you need to tweak your front-commerce.config.ts file like:

import { defineConfig } from "@front-commerce/core/config";
import themeChocolatine from "@front-commerce/theme-chocolatine";
import magento2 from "@front-commerce/magento2";
import algolia from "@front-commerce/algolia";
import storesConfig from "./app/config/stores";
import cacheConfig from "./app/config/caching";

export default defineConfig({
extensions: [
algolia("standalone"), // ⚠️ need to be before magento2() or magento1()
magento2({ storesConfig }), // or magento1()
stores: storesConfig,
cache: cacheConfig,
configuration: {
providers: [],

In the .env, you need to define the following environment variables:


To further configure the Algolia module for instance to define facets, you have to create a configuration provider to override the algoliaConfigProvider.

Indices requirements

In that kind of setup, you need to implement your own indexing mechanism to replace the one provided by the Algolia module for Magento. To help you in that task, we provide a script to check that the indices are compatible with Front-Commerce. This script can be run with the following command:

pnpm check-indices

The application ID and the admin API can be found in your Algolia account. The index name prefix is a prefix of the indices that Front-Commerce will use. The value on the command line should be the same as the one used to configure the Algolia module.

By default, Front-Commerce is able to search for products, categories and CMS pages, the corresponding indices need to follow some requirements.

For product indices:

  • the indices name must be named after the following pattern: {index_name_prefix}{store_code}_products. For instance, in a setup where the index name is myproject_ and Front-Commerce is configured to expose 2 stores which codes are mystore and mystore2, two indices named myproject_mystore_products and myproject_mystore2_products must be created;
  • to be able to sort results by a field, some extra indices must be created by following the same naming convention and by adding a suffix using the pattern _{sort_field}_asc or _{sort_field}_desc. For instance, to allow sorting by created date (field created_at) ascending and descending, the indices myproject_mystore_products_created_at_asc and myproject_mystore_products_created_at_desc must exist;
  • all documents must have a field sku and it must be retrievable sku. The field must contain the product sku as a string and for configurable product it should be an array of the SKUs of each configuration with the first one being the sku of the configurable product;
  • all documents must have a field category_ids, this field must be searchable and configured as an attribute for facets. It must contain the category ids in which the product is positioned;
  • all documents must have a field price where the price is represented as an object like
{ "EUR": { "default": 42 }, "USD": { "default": 40 } }

category_ids is the only required facets. Depending on your project, you can configure others facets in the index. For those facets to be taken into, you also have to configure the Algolia module.

For categories indices:

  • the indices name must be named after the following pattern: {index_name_prefix}{store_code}_categories. For instance, in a setup where the index name is myproject_ and Front-Commerce is configured to expose 2 stores which codes are mystore and mystore2, two indices named myproject_mystore_categories and myproject_mystore2_categories must be created;
  • the objectID field of each document must be the category id as a string.

For CMS page indices:

  • the indices name must be named after the following pattern: {index_name_prefix}{store_code}_pages. For instance, in a setup where the index name is myproject_ and Front-Commerce is configured to expose 2 stores which codes are mystore and mystore2, two indices named myproject_mystore_pages and myproject_mystore2_pages must be created.
  • all documents must have a slug field identifying the corresponding CMS page. This field must be set as retrievable.

Further customizations

In the standalone flavor, the Algolia extension relies on default configuration settings. To customize it, you need to inject a specific configurations. For that, you can create a dedicated extension that registers a configuration provider.

The example extension custom-algolia-search shows how the index prefix can be manipulated, in that example the current shop locale is added to it.

Test it

To make sure Algolia APIs and indices are properly used, you can restart Front-Commerce with the DEBUG environment variable containing front-commerce:algolia so that it displays various information on the requests:

Run Front-Commerce with Algolia's debug flag
DEBUG=front-commerce:algolia pnpm run dev

After restarting Front-Commerce, you should be able to run a GraphQL query to search for products, categories or pages, for instance:

query Search {
search(query: "whatever you want to search for") {
products(params: { from: 0, size: 5 }) {
products {
categories(size: 5) {
pages(size: 5) {