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Health check

The /__front-commerce/health URL can be used in cloud environments to ensure that the application can serve traffic.

You can try it locally at http://localhost:4000/__front-commerce/health.

API Reference


An endpoint that will return a success or failure HTTP code based on the correctness of the application. Use it to monitor the application readiness.

  • HTTP 200 (success): the application and the unified GraphQL schema are correctly configured, and the application has started
  • HTTP 503 (failure): the application isn't yet ready to serve traffic

Query parameter: successHTTPCode

The optional successHTTPCode query parameter allows to customize the HTTP code returned upon success.

Example: http://localhost:4000/__front-commerce/health?successHTTPCode=418

Query parameter: failureHTTPCode

The optional failureHTTPCode query parameter allows to customize the HTTP code returned upon success.

Example: http://localhost:4000/__front-commerce/health?failureHTTPCode=502