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Since version 3.9

To learn more about extension features, you can read the Extension Features reference docs.


Generates the title and description meta tags for a route error response.


A function that returns an inner function with intl as a parameter that returns a PromiseLike of an object containing the messages for different route errors.


export default defineExtension({
// ...
unstable_lifecycleHooks: {
onFeaturesInit: (hooks) => {
hooks.registerFeature("root-error-meta", {
config: {
messages: () => {
return (intl: IntlShape) => {
"404": {
// with intl translations
title: intl.formatMessage({ id: "404.title" }),
description: intl.formatMessage({ id: "404.description" }),
"500": {
// without intl translations
title: "Some error occurred",
description: "Please try again later",