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Version: 2.x


When you are on a website, you expect to see the same elements on similar pages: the logo, the menu, maybe a footer, etc. But sometimes, you need finer control over which page should display what. That's where layouts help out!

How does this translate in Front-Commerce? By creating _layout.js and _inner-layout.js files in your web/theme/routes folder to enable dynamic layouts. This is what we will explain in this guide.

If you don't know what is the purpose of the web/theme/routes or how to use it, please first refer to the guide Add a new page. Moreover, to complete this guide about layouts, you will need to have a module correctly setup in your project with a web module preconfigured.

What is a layout?​

We call layout anything that wraps a route.

Let's take a Category page.

A category page displays the list of the products of the category below the header and the menu.

The contents that are specific to this Category are the title, the products, the facets, etc. The header with the logo and the menu are not specific to the category page. You expect it to see it on the product page too.

Thus, the layout is everything that is not specific to the page you are displaying.

However, for more advanced use case, you can have some content that are not specific to the route, but still specific to a part of the application. This is the case for the account pages.

An account dashboard displays the main layout, but also a navigation common to all the account pages.

In this case, the sidebar navigation is by definition a layout since it remains across the multiple pages available in the account. However, it is contained in a larger layout: the one displaying the header.

We call this an Inner layout because it does not get rid of the layout above it.

How to implement this in Front-Commerce's routing system?​

  • a Layout should be implemented by creating a component in a _layout.js file
  • an Inner Layout should be implemented by creating a component in a _inner-layout.js file
  • Restart on each new file creation in the web/theme/routes folder

Define a new layout for a list of routes​

First, a layout will only affect the routes inside a folder, and its sub folders.

For instance, let's say that you are willing to add a Blog to your Front-Commerce application. You could imagine creating the following routes:

β”œβ”€β”€ index.js
β”œβ”€β”€ contact.js
β”œβ”€β”€ cart.js
β”œβ”€β”€ ...
β”œβ”€β”€ _layout.js
└── blog
β”œβ”€β”€ index.js
└── [slug].js

As is, the urls /blog and /blog/[slug] you have created will be displayed with the same layout as your cart, contact, or any other page of the application.

However you don't want users to feel like they are still in the shop. You want to have a lighter design for these pages to allow the users to focus on the content. This is why you can create a new _layout.js at /blog/_layout.js.

import React from "react";

const BlogLayout = ({ children }) => (
<header>Welcome to our blog!</header>

export default BlogLayout;

The children property here is the content of the route that will be displayed if you navigate to a page within /blog.

Other pages will keep the root _layout.js and won't be affected by the blog's layout.

Remember to restart your application to see the changes (npm run start).


If you need to override an existing _layout.js you can by coping it in your own web module. Moreover, you can create new layouts wherever you want. For instance, if a module defined some routes in /blog but didn't create a /blog/_layout.js, you can create it in your own module and all the routes in /blog will use this new layout.


In Front-Commerce's core, this is already the case for the /checkout route, which uses a leaner layout than the rest of the shop.

Define an Inner Layout for a list of route​

The concept of creating an Inner Layout is very similar to creating a Layout. The main difference is that instead of creating a _layout.js file, you will create a _inner-layout.js.

For instance, in the case of the account, we've got an Inner Layout similar to this file:

import React from "react";
import Link from "theme/components/atoms/Typography/Link";

const AccountLayout = ({ children }) => (
<Link to="/">Dashboard</Link>
<Link to="/orders">Orders</Link>
<Link to="/address-book">Address Book</Link>

export default AccountLayout;

You can see that it works just like the Blog's layout. However, keep in mind that you don't need to repeat the surrounding layout. For instance, there's no header and logo in my Inner Layout.

Remember to restart your application to see the changes (npm run start).


You can't create an _inner-layout.js if a _layout.js file already exists at the same level. This is the case for the files in your modules but also for files in other's modules. However you can use front-commerce-prepare.js:onCreateRoute to filter the file you don't need in your project.


_inner-layout.js can be nested as many times as you need. For instance, you could imagine an inner layout for pages in /account and another one in /account/orders. By doing this, for a route at /account/orders/details you will have the order details wrapped in /account/orders/_inner-layout.js which itself is wrapped in /account/_inner-layout.js.