📄️ Handle dynamic URLs with the Dispatcher
In some cases, you will need more control over URL formats. For instance, you may prefer to have "/my-product" instead of "/product/my-product-slug" for SEO reasons. That is what Front-Commerce's Dispatcher is responsible for and what we will cover in this documentation.
📄️ Layouts
When you are on a website, you expect to see the same elements on similar pages: the logo, the menu, maybe a footer, etc. But sometimes, you need finer control over which page should display what. That's where layouts help out!
🗃️ Display WYSIWYG content
1 item
📄️ WYSIWYG Platform
In this guide, you will learn the different WYSIWYG implementations available on Front-Commerce and how to customize them.
📄️ Managing forms
Forms are always a tricky part in React applications. This page will guide you through the basics of forms in a Front-Commerce application.
📄️ Translate your application
International e-commerce websites often need to translate their UI into several languages to make sure that they reach a broader range of customers. This documentation will show how this works for static content in your application.
📄️ Server Side Rendering (SSR)
Front-Commerce uses SSR to improve SEO and UX by serving HTML pages to users on their first hit to the server. This documentation explains everything you need to know about it when working on a typical Front-Commerce application.
📄️ manifest.json
This guide explains how to customize the web application manifest served by Front-Commerce so that your website is recognized as a Progressive Web Application (PWA).
📄️ Add a sorting method in your Product List Page
This guide explains how to add a sorting criteria to your Product List Page (PLP).
📄️ Auto scroll to top
This guide will explain how to prevent the page from scrolling to the top.