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Version: 3.x

Prismic Migration

This page guides you through the migration for breaking changes in the Prismic extension for Front-Commerce v3.

This guide will help you migrate your Prismic features from Front-Commerce v2 to v3. We'll cover the major breaking changes and provide step-by-step instructions for each migration task.

Integration Fields Migration

In Front-Commerce v3, the way to define and register integration fields has been completely revamped to provide a more type-safe and maintainable approach.

V2: Integration Fields (Before)

In v2, integration fields were registered using the Prismic Loader, for example:

export default {
namespace: "Demo/Prismic",
dependencies: ["Prismic/Core"],
contextEnhancer: ({ req, loaders }) => {
const { SitemapableIntegrationField } = loaders.Prismic.integrationFields;

const registerIntegrationField = (name, loader) => {
const integrationField = new SitemapableIntegrationField(
loaders.Prismic.registerIntegrationField(name, integrationField);

registerIntegrationField("Product", ({ id }) => {
return loaders.Product.load(id);

registerIntegrationField("Category", ({ id }) => {
return loaders.Category.load(id);

V3: Integration Fields (After)

In v3, integration fields are defined as separate classes using either IntegrationField or SitemapIntegrationField, and registered in your extension's lifecycle hooks:

Additional Resources

Slice Library Migration

Front-Commerce v3 introduces a new Content Composition API that replaces the previous slice library approach, providing better TypeScript support and a more modular structure.

V2: Slice Library (Before)

In v2, slices were defined using a slice library approach:

// theme/modules/Slices/Shared/index.js
import makeSliceLibrary from "theme/modules/Prismic/Slices/makeSliceLibrary";

const sliceLibrary = makeSliceLibrary("SharedSlice", [
{ component: Push, fragment: PushFragment },
{ component: FeaturedProducts, fragment: FeaturedProductsFragment },
{ component: Carousel, fragment: CarouselFragment },
// ... other slices

export const definitions = sliceLibrary.fragmentDefinitions;
export default sliceLibrary.SliceZone;

V3: Content Composition (After)

In v3, slices are defined using the Content Composition API:

See the Content Composition Guide for more details.

Additional Resources

Removal of PrismicPreview component

In Front-Commerce v2, when using Prismic Previews, you needed to manually add the PrismicPreview component to your application's layout. This is no longer necessary in v3, as the Prismic extension now includes an improved preview toolbar by default. If you keep the PrismicPreview component in your v3 application, it will cause duplicate toolbars to appear.