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Version: 2.x

Integration fields

Prismic Integration fields are custom fields for retrieving content from external systems. When using Prismic with Front-Commerce, you might want to create Integration fields for Categories, Products, or other custom entities in order to improve the Content Management experience. This guide explains how to do it.

Integration fields enable Content managers to build a landing page by selecting Products retrieved from your eCommerce backend without leaving the writing room. As a developer, you can seamlessly access the related Product data in GraphQL so that you can leverage and reuse existing GraphQL fragments and UI components.

If this is relevant for your project, follow instructions in this page to learn how you can create Integration fields that works with your existing Front-Commerce application and data.


Front-Commerce currently support Integration fields in a "Pull" mode. Here is how it works:

  1. Developers register Integration fields in Front-Commerce for the data to expose to Prismic (with code)
  2. Configure the Integration field in Prismic
  3. Prismic will regularly pull data from a Front-Commerce read API endpoint
  4. Add these fields to custom types or Slices so Content managers will see up-to-date data in the writing room and could select elements made available by Front-Commerce
  5. Developers implement Prismic requests that know how to transform values from an integration field into rich data from their application (with code)
  6. Frontend developers can build pages by requesting data from GraphQL as usual. There is no difference in data that comes from Prismic or the eCommerce platform.

This allows to design rich custom content types that will mix and match data from several datasources without introducing complexity for your frontend.

Register Integration fields in Front-Commerce

Registering a new Integration field allows to expose custom data in an API that can be used by Prismic. Front-Commerce's Prismic module provides a generic way to register Integration fields.

See the Implementations section to learn more about existing implementations.


In this example, we will use the SitemapableIntegrationField implementation for more concise examples. Keep in mind that any IntegrationField implementation can be registered in a similar way.

To register a new Integration field, you must use the loaders.Prismic.registerIntegrationField() method of the Prismic loader. You can then provide a name that will identify it across Front-Commerce and an implementation.

It can be done from a GraphQL module contextEnhancer as in the example below:

export default {
// […]
dependencies: [
contextEnhancer: ({ loaders }) => {
const { SitemapableIntegrationField } = loaders.Prismic.integrationFields;

"Category", // <- integration field identifier
new SitemapableIntegrationField("Category", loaders.Sitemap, ({ id }) => {
return loaders.Category.load(id);
new SitemapableIntegrationField("Product", loaders.Sitemap, ({ id }) => {
// The SitemapableIntegrationField tries to guess what the id is (in this case, the SKU is used)
return loaders.Product.load(id);

return {};

When Integration fields have been registered, Front-Commerce will expose an API endpoint for each of them at the /prismic/integration/{name} URL. Examples:

  • http://localhost:4000/prismic/integration/Category
  • http://localhost:4000/prismic/integration/Product

This API is protected with a security token defined in the FRONT_COMMERCE_PRISMIC_WEBHOOK_SECRET environment variable. To test it, you can run the following curl commands:

curl --user 'a-secret-defined-in-webhook-configuration:' http://localhost:4000/prismic/integration/Product
curl --user 'a-secret-defined-in-webhook-configuration:' http://localhost:4000/prismic/integration/Product?page=2

You must see a paginated JSON description of your data matching Prismic's Custom API Format. If this is not happening, you might have an error in the registration. Enable the DEBUG=front-commerce:prismic flag to gain a better understanding of the error.

Configure Integration fields in Prismic


Integration fields are still a beta feature in Prismic. You must request the feature activation for your repository via the Prismic community forum or support.

You must set up Integration fields in Prismic for each Integration field registered in Front-Commerce. To do so, create a "Custom API" Integration field from the "Settings > Integration Fields" page.

Integration field creation form

  1. the "Endpoint" value must be the URL of the Front-Commerce Integration field API endpoint:{name}
  2. the "Access token" value must be the value of your FRONT_COMMERCE_PRISMIC_WEBHOOK_SECRET environment variable (also used for webhooks)
  3. create the Integration field

The "Settings > Integration Fields" page will now display the Integration field data synchronization status.

Content managers can now design custom types that contain 3rd-party data from your Front-Commerce application. After the first successful synchronization, they could select values in documents without leaving the writing room.

Update your types and data in Prismic

Integration fields created in the previous section should now be available in the Custom types editor. You can drag & drop them to your content model in build mode as any other field.

Custom type field from Integration field

See Configure Integration Fields (Prismic documentation) for details.

In the writing room, Content managers can now create or update documents to select values from Front-Commerce data for the configured fields:

Selecting a value for a document field using an Integration field

Expose data in your GraphQL schema

This section supposes that you already have exposed content from the previously modified Prismic custom type in your GraphQL schema. It will guide you throughout the process of exposing an additional Integration field data.

We've tried to make the process as idiomatic as what you might know from implementing custom Front-Commerce features.

Add the field to your schema

First, you have to update your GraphQL schema definition with the new field to expose. Instead of exposing an id or a SKU, we will expose an existing GraphQL type, in this case a Product for a product field.

type MyPrismicContent {
uid: ID
title: String
richtext: DefaultWysiwyg
+ product: Product

Update Prismic types with the IntegrationFieldTransformer

You then have to instruct Front-Commerce Prismic module to transform data from Prismic with information from a registered integration field.

The IntegrationFieldTransformer will transform data from an Integration Field implementation. We can get the correct Integration field instance using the name used when registering the Integration field, using Prismic loader's getIntegrationField method.

Here is how it would look to turn a Prismic field named fc_product into a Front-Commerce Product:

const {
+ IntegrationFieldTransformer,
} = loaders.Prismic.transformers;

loaders.Prismic.defineContentTransformers("allfields", {
fieldTransformers: {
// […]
+ fc_product: new IntegrationFieldTransformer(
+ loaders.Prismic.getIntegrationField("Product")
+ ),

const all = await loaders.Prismic.loadSingle("allfields");

Create resolvers for these fields


as of version 0.5 of the Prismic module, resolvers must be defined as described below. We will try in a future version of the module to make it work out-of-the-box, without resolver changes if field names match.

To prevent fetching data systematically, fields resolve with either a null value (empty field in Prismic) or an object with a raw value and a loadValue() method to actually fetch the related data.

You will then have to update your resolvers to fetch integration fields real data. For the example above, here is how it would look:

export default {
MyPrismicContent: {
product: (content) => {
return content.fc_product?.loadValue();


Integration fields are implemented with extensibility in mind. The Prismic module requires that you create an IntegrationField instance to describe an Integration field. It will use this implementation to provide the features documented above.

You can either:

  • create a custom Integration field definition from scratch, to have full control on how data are retrieved
  • use built-in Integration fields implementations to expose existing data with less code

This section lists built-in Integration fields and explains how to create a custom one.


The built-in SitemapableIntegrationField allows to expose a Sitemapable entity as an Integration field. It reuses data fetching from the sitemap generation process to retrieve data to expose to Prismic.

Use it to quickly expose existing content with a few lines of code.

const categoryIntegrationField = new SitemapableIntegrationField(
"Category", // entityName
loaders.Sitemap, // SitemapLoader
({ id }) => {
// resolveEntity
return loaders.Category.load(id);

To create a SitemapableIntegrationField, you must provide:

  • entityName: the name of the Sitemapable entity used during sitemapable pages registration
  • SitemapLoader: a Front-Commerce Sitemap loader instance (e.g: loaders.Sitemap)
  • resolveEntity: a Function to resolve the entity from the id value of the passed data

The SitemapableIntegrationField will try to automatically detect the id of your Sitemapable entity, from either an id or a sku field. Your resolveEntity function can leverage existing loaders to fetch data in a format that is consistent with the rest of your application. Examples:

const resolveCategoryEntity = ({ id }) => {
return loaders.Category.load(id)

const resolveProductEntity = ({ id }) => {
// id will contain the product SKU
return loaders.Product.load(id)

Custom Integration field implementation

To create new Integration fields implementations, one must implements the IntegrationField interface.

It consists in 2 methods to:

  • fetch available rows to provide data to Prismic (through the Integration field endpoint)
  • resolve the real entity from the blob data provided to Prismic

The example below shows an implementation that exposes hardcoded data. You can use it as a starting point.

import IntegrationField, {
} from "prismic/server/domain/IntegrationField";
import IntegrationFieldResult from "prismic/server/domain/IntegrationFieldResult";

class UserIntegrationField extends IntegrationField {
constructor() {
this.usersDb = [
username: "john",
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
avatar: "",
username: "jane",
firstName: "Jane",
lastName: "Doe",
avatar: "",
{ username: "bob", firstName: "Bob", lastName: "Dylan" },
username: "zoe",
firstName: "Zoe",
lastName: "Dylan",
avatar: "",

async loadPullResults(page) {
if (this.usersDb.length > PULL_PAGE_MAX_SIZE) {
// TODO paginate results using the `page` parameter

return => {
// blobData value is the payload that the Integration Field will receive
// as `resolveEntity` parameter
const blobData = {
userId: user.username,

return new IntegrationFieldResult(
`${user.firstName} ${user.lastName.toLocaleUpperCase()}`,
"", // a description (will use the title if empty)
undefined, // last updated timestamp

async resolveEntity(blobData) {
return this.usersDb.find(
(user) => user.username === blobData.userId