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Version: 3.x


When working with product options, we recommend to use useProductConfigurables. It accepts multiple formats for initially selected options and returns -among other things- an options update function that automatically handles auto disabling. We believe this hook will be helpful when dealing with configurable product options so here is a small rundown on it:


useProductConfigurables only takes the product as input.


useProductConfigurables returns an Object with the following properties:

  • selectedBundleOptions: The currently selected bundle options in the format { [optionId]: valueId }
  • selectedCustomOptions: The currently selected custom options in the format { [optionId]: valueId }
  • selectedGroupedItems: The currently selected grouped items in the format { [optionId]: valueId }
  • setBundleOption: A function to set a bundle option
  • setCustomOption: A function to set a custom option
  • setGroupedItems: A function to set a grouped item

To learn more about the different types of options, check out the relevant source code.