Exposing additional attributes
In many shops, there are more attributes than the standard ones available in Magento. They then need to be fetched by Front-Commerce for usage in your application. In this documentation guide, you will learn how to add these attributes to any Magento REST endpoint.
An example of what this page will show you is how to expose newly created
attributes in the endpoints already used in Front-Commerce. For instance, when
retrieving products, Front-Commerce uses the /api/rest/products
In cases where you need to expose new attributes on the existing endpoint, you
can add this attribute in your api2.xml
For that, you need to retrieve the resource name (API_UNIQUE_NAME
value if you
follow the basic structure shown in the "Add custom endpoint" section) and add
your attribute(s) code into the attributes
Retrieve the resource name
You can find this data on all api2.xml
Update your api2.xml
In this section, you will learn how to expose an attribute whose code is
for the most common Magento resources.
Customer data
<my_custom_attribute />
Product data
<my_custom_attribute />
Category data
<my_custom_attribute />
For attributes excluded by another module
Sometimes, you will stumble upon modules that force attribute exclusion. You can
find an example in the
<category translate="title" module="extrarestful">
To revert this exclusion, you should retrieve the node you want to "disable" in
your own api2.xml
file and set its value to 0
For instance, to allow Guests and Customers to access categories images you would do as below:
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us.