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Version: 2.x

Cache control and CDN

Since version 2.6

Enabling CDN or reverse-proxy caching improves your storefront web performance. During traffic peaks, it drastically reduces the server load too. This guide explains all the tools at your disposal to implement a totally custom, fine-grained caching strategy in Front-Commerce.

To enable CDN or reverse-proxy caching you first need to ensure that your site sends proper HTTP cache headers to visitors.

In Front-Commerce we have implemented a mechanism where you can easily set up the cache-control headers for different parts of your site. You can also provide a custom implementation of the cache-control if needed (e.g. products with old last modified have longer caching duration).

Implementing a totally custom, fine-grained caching strategy is a matter of compromise: the freshness of data vs performance. It is NOT something that Front-Commerce can do by default because every context is important. We recommend that you spend time understanding this Front-Commerce feature and update your application accordingly.


Caching is disabled by default for user related content and for cart related content. This is done to avoid inadvertently caching sensitive user information.

In practice, for any page using Order, Cart or Wishlist types or a non anonymous Customer from the Graph, the HTTP cache will be disabled. To get useful information on that topic, you can start Front-Commerce with DEBUG=front-commerce:cache.


In Front-Commerce we support the s-maxage and the stale-while-revalidate cache control headers:

  • The s-maxage header is used to instruct the CDN or reverse-proxy the time it can serve the cached response directly from cache without revalidating.

  • The stale-while-revalidate header is used to instruct the CDN or reverse-proxy that after the s-maxage have passed how long can it still serve from the cache while at the same time revalidating its cache.

For example if s-maxage is 60 seconds and stale-while-revalidate is 10 minutes, it means that once a resource is cached, the CDN/reverse-proxy can serve it from cache for one minute without even validating with the server, and after 60 seconds and before 10 minutes any request to the resource will:

  • be served from cache
  • at the same time the resource will be requested from the server
  • the cache will be updated in the background
  • the validity of the resource would be reset

However if 10 minutes pass without the resource being revalidated, the next request to the resource will not be served from the cache but will be requested from the server directly.

In this example, the longest outdated data can be served to the user is 11 minutes (60sec + 10min). For more information on the subject please refer to Keeping things fresh with stale-while-revalidate (P.S. we use sMaxAge instead of maxAge because this is the value used by CDNs/reverse-proxies)

Dynamic Pages

The default theme already contains specific fragments that you can override to customize Cache-Control settings for the most common pages. Please look for the *CacheControlFragment.gql files across the theme. Override the desired *CacheControlFragment.gql file. Then uncomment the cacheControl part of the query. Finally set the sMaxAge and staleWhileRevalidate values to meet your requirements. For example the CategoryCacheControlFragment.gql could look something like this:

fragment CategoryCacheControlFragment on Category {
cacheControl(input: { sMaxAge: 600, staleWhileRevalidate: 3600 }) {

P.S. we use sMaxAge instead of maxAge because this is the value used by shared caches (e.g. reverse proxies or CDN)

Static Pages

To set up cache control headers for static pages you need to set a static attribute on the matching route component. Please make sure that this attribute is hoisted all the way to be visible on the exported route component. Your static page component should look something like this:

import Home from "theme/pages/Home";

Home.cacheControlDefinition = {
sMaxAge: 10,
staleWhileRevalidate: 1000,

export default Home;

GraphQL queries

To enable caching for GraphQL queries you should make your GraphQL queries use the GET method. This can be done by adding the following environment variable to your .env file:


Once you have enabled GET for your GraphQL queries the dispatcher will automatically set the values for the cache-control header based on the cacheControl fields contained in your GraphQL query.


setting FRONT_COMMERCE_WEB_USE_GET_FOR_PERSISTED_QUERIES=true will disable GraphQL query batching.

CDN or Reverse proxy configuration

Finally after you have set up the appropriate cache controls for your site you now need to configure a CDN (or a reverse proxy such as Nginx) which will take care of caching pages for users. See Which CDN providers support stale-while-revalidate? for a list of CDN that supports it. As of 2.6, Front-Commerce requires that the CDN ignores the cache for requests containing a cookie named connect.sid. Please refer to your CDN's documentation for more details. If you are using Front-Commerce Cloud, you have nothing to do unless you changed default values. Please contact us if you need support to enable caching.

Advanced usage

Customize cache headers per category/product/CMS page

You can have a more fine grained control on your cache headers' configurations than the one presented in the Dynamic Pages above. This can be done in the resolver/loader of the module itself.

For example let us have a look at the resolver of the Magento 2 Categories found at src/server/modules/magento2/catalog/categories/resolvers.js. You can see a section there dedicated to cache control. It is there that you can add any logic you want to tweak the cache control headers to your liking depending on the category at hand. Note we recommend you write the logic in the loader and call it from the resolver as with any other function.

Implementing cache control for your custom module

Say you have a custom module and you want to add caching capabilities to your module. In Front-Commerce this is possible by implementing the Cacheable GraphQL interface and adding the cacheControl field to your module's resolver. Lets see how CmsPage schema and resolver has been updated:

-type CmsPage implements Sitemapable & Routable {
+type CmsPage implements Sitemapable & Routable & Cacheable {
"The Page's identifier"
identifier: String
"The Page's title"
title: String
"The Page's content"
content: String
# ...
+ cacheControl(input: CacheControlInput): CacheControlDefinition
export default {
CmsPage: {
path: ({ identifier }) => `/` + identifier,
priority: () => 0.25,
cacheControl: (_, { input: cacheControlDefinition }, { loaders }) => {
return loaders.CacheControl.loadDefaultCacheControl(

You also need to make sure that from the client side the cacheControl field is requested by your GraphQL query related to your custom module, and is set up with proper values. Lets see how MatchUrls query has been updated:

#import "theme/pages/Product/ProductFragment.gql"
#import "theme/pages/Category/CategoryFragment.gql"
#import "theme/pages/CmsPage/CmsPageFragment.gql"
#import "theme/pages/Product/ProductCacheControlFragment.gql"
#import "theme/pages/Category/CategoryCacheControlFragment.gql"
#import "theme/pages/CmsPage/CmsPageCacheControlFragment.gql"

query MatchUrls($url: String!, $params: QueryInput) {
route(url: $url) {
... on RedirectEntity {
... on Product {
... on Category {
... on CmsPage {