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Version: 2.x

Feature Flags

Some modules in Front-Commerce use feature flags to enable or disable its features.

Enabling or Disabling a feature

Feature flags are resolved by the FeatureFlagLoader which is typically overridden in the contextEnhancer of each module supporting a feature flag (e.g. wishlist, search).

To enable or disable a feature one must update the overridden FeatureFlag loader in the contexEnhancer of the module and ensure isActive returns true (to enable the feature) or false (to disable the feature) ONLY when the name matches the feature flag's name. For example setting the below in src/server/modules/magento1/wishlist/featureFlagLoader.js (used in the wishlist context enhancer) will disable the wishlist feature.

const WishlistFeatureFlagLoader = (loader) => {
return {
isActive: (name) => {
if (name === "wishlist") {
// only for wishlist
return Promise.resolve(false);
} else {
// check other modules
return loader.isActive(name);

export default WishlistFeatureFlagLoader;

The if (name === "wishlist") above is needed as the feature flag query is queried by module name.

The return loader.isActive(name); is needed to propagate the query to other modules.