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Dynamic page implementation: a side-by-side comparison

· 6 min read
Pierre Martin

In today's article, we'll compare how dynamic page implementation differs between Front-Commerce 2.x and Front-Commerce 3.x.

A dynamic page is generated on the fly when a user requests it, rather than being statically generated at build time. This is particularly useful for pages that rely on external data, such as product pages, category pages, or search pages. For this article, we are going to use an FAQ Article detail as an example.

This article aims to shed light on one of the most significant changes we've made in Front-Commerce 3.x, making it easier for you to understand.

Developer Guide series

This article is part of our Developer Guide series. We're publishing new articles every month. Stay tuned!

2.x: file-based routing, Enhancers and Page components

In Front-Commerce 2.x, dynamic pages were implemented using core components from Front-Commerce.

This included file-based routing, which was implemented by Front-Commerce itself on top of React Router. This allowed developers to map the rendered component to a specific URL by creating a file in the web/theme/routes/.

// The route file was almost empty and only used to declare the Page component
import FaqDetails from "theme/pages/FaqDetails";

export default FaqDetails;

The Page component was responsible for fetching data from the GraphQL API and rendering the page once all the required data was available.

import React from "react";
import Link from "theme/components/atoms/Typography/Link";
import EnhanceFaqDetails from "./EnhanceFaqDetails";
import { H1 } from "theme/components/atoms/Typography/Heading";
import VoteWidget from "theme/modules/Faq/VoteWidget";
import Wysiwyg from "theme/modules/WysiwygV2";

const FaqDetails = (props) => {
const slug = props.match.params.slug;

return (
<div className="container">
<Link to="/faq">⬅️ Back to list</Link>
<br />
Slug: {slug}
{props.loading && <p>Loading…</p>}
{props.faqEntry && (
<Wysiwyg content={props.faqEntry.answer} />

<VoteWidget faqEntry={props.faqEntry} />

export default EnhanceFaqDetails(FaqDetails);

Pages delegated the fetching of data to Enhancers (HOCs), which were responsible for retrieving data from the GraphQL API and handling rendering states before feeding it to the Page component.

// The Enhancer was responsible for fetching data and handling rendering states
import graphqlWithPreload from "web/core/apollo/graphqlWithPreload";
import compose from "recompose/compose";
import FaqDetailsQuery from "./FaqDetailsQuery.gql";
import withEntityNotFound from "theme/modules/PageError/NotFound/withEntityNotFound";

export default compose(
graphqlWithPreload(FaqDetailsQuery, {
options: (props) => ({
variables: {
slug: props.match.params.slug,
preloadOptions: (args) => ({
variables: {
slug: args.match.params.slug,
props: ({ data }) => ({
loading: data.loading,
error: !data.loading && data.error,
faqEntry: !data.loading && data.faqGetBySlug,
// It could also be combined with other Enhancers
// such as Loadable for a full page loading state
// Loadable((props) => !props.loading, LoadingComponent),
isFound: (props) => props.loading || props.faqEntry,

Enhancers HOCs had several responsibilities and could combine different HOCs from Front-Commerce to achieve the desired result.

For instance, they could combine graphqlWithPreload for fetching data with preloading, withEntityNotFound and Loadable for handling different rendering states. User restricted pages could leverage checkAuth for checking user authentication and redirecting to the login page if necessary.

Plain Remix routes in 3.x!

In Front-Commerce 3.x, dynamic pages are implemented using a different approach: we've replaced our custom file-based routing with Remix routes.

Remix routes now have more responsibilities than 2.x routes. They export a loader function that is responsible for fetching data from the GraphQL API and passing it to the Page component (main export of the route).

Route loaders can also be used to handle errors (with the ErrorBoundary export), redirections (with the redirect response) and many other checks. Routes code is usually simpler to reason about than Enhancers, with less indirections.

Here is an example of a route that fetches a question from the GraphQL API and renders it using a <FaqDetail /> Page component (that is a plain React component). As you can see, all the logic belongs to the route!

// The route is now a .tsx file, which allows us to use TypeScript and JSX syntax.

import { json } from "@front-commerce/remix/node";
import { useLoaderData } from "@front-commerce/remix/react";
import type { LoaderFunctionArgs } from "@remix-run/node";
import FaqDetail from "theme/pages/FaqDetail";
import { isRouteErrorResponse, useRouteError } from "@remix-run/react";
import { FaqDetailDocument } from "~/graphql/graphql";
import { FrontCommerceApp } from "@front-commerce/remix";

// The route exports a `loader` function that is responsible
// for fetching data and throwing errors, ensuring that
// the main component is only rendered in the "happy path".
export const loader = async ({ context, params }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const { slug } = params;

// The `loader` uses the `FrontCommerceApp` class to access the Front-Commerce
// core from Remix. In this example, we use it to fetch data from the GraphQL
// unified API (similar to the one you're used to).
const app = new FrontCommerceApp(context.frontCommerce);
const response = await app.graphql.query(FaqDetailDocument, { slug });
if (!response.faqEntry) {
throw new Response("Question not found", { status: 404 });

return json({
question: response.faqEntry,

// The main component is a plain React component that receives
// the data from the loader, using Remix fetching primitives (`useLoaderData`)
// both on the server and on the client.
export default () => {
const { question } = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();

return <FaqDetail question={question} />;

// The route also exports an ErrorBoundary component that is responsible
// for displaying errors. It can be used to display a custom error page.
export const ErrorBoundary = () => {
const error = useRouteError();

if (isRouteErrorResponse(error)) {
return <div>FAQ : question not found</div>;


We hope this article helped you understand how dynamic pages are implemented in Front-Commerce 2.x and 3.x.

Here is a table comparing the different concepts between 2.x and 3.x:

ConceptFront-Commerce 2.xFront-Commerce 3.x
Page componentsPlain React components (JSX)Plain React components (JSX/TSX)
RoutesCustom file-based routingRemix routes
Data fetchingEnhancers HOCs with Apolloloader functions with FrontCommerceApp
Error HandlingEnhancers HOCsErrorBoundary component

We've made several changes to make it easier for you to build your projects. You can now use Remix routes in a natural way, while still leveraging the power of Front-Commerce with a cleaner separation of concerns.

Join us again for the next article in our Developer Guide series!