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Front-Commerce 2 vs 3: a cleaner, more powerful configuration file

· 5 min read
Gaetan Flament

As developers, we're no strangers to the crucial role configuration files play in our applications. They serve as the backbone, defining the behavior and structure of our systems. In this article, we'll dive into the transformative journey of configuration files in Front-Commerce, making a big leap from v2 to v3.

Developer Guide series

This article is part of our Developer Guide series. We're publishing new articles all year. Stay tuned!

Front-Commerce 2.x: Navigating the Configuration Maze

In Front-Commerce 2.x, configuring your application was not really as intuitive as it was the result of several iterations over time. While the configuration file played a central role, certain aspects raised concerns:

  • Unclear naming conventions: The usage of names like webModules, modules, and serverModules in the configuration file introduced ambiguity, making it less intuitive for developers to discern their purposes.
  • Distributed configuration files: Configuration settings were spread across various files in src/config, leading to a decentralized structure. This distribution added complexity, making it harder to manage and maintain a holistic view of the application's configuration.
  • Dynamic configuration needs: Different modules necessitated separate configurations, extending beyond the main configuration files. This diversity in configuration areas, such as Content Security Policies (CSP) or having to install separated npm packages with specific versions, added an additional layer of intricacy for developers to navigate.
  • Overrides challenges: Some "Extension components", such as getAdditionalDataComponent for Payment and Shipping methods, were designed specifically for to be overridden when installing modules.

Here's a snippet of how configuration file (front-commerce.js) looked like in 2.x:

module.exports = {
name: "Front Commerce DEV",
url: "http://www.front-commerce.test",
modules: [
serverModules: [
{ name: "FrontCommerce", path: "server/modules/front-commerce" },
name: "Elasticsearch",
path: "datasource-elasticsearch/server/modules/magento2-elasticsearch",
{ name: "Magento2", path: "server/modules/magento2" },
{ name: "Magento2GraphQL", path: "server/modules/magento2-graphql" },
{ name: "Magento2Commerce", path: "server/modules/magento2-commerce" },
{ name: "Magento2B2B", path: "front-commerce-b2b/server/modules/magento2" },
webModules: [
{ name: "FrontCommerce", path: "./src/web" },
{ name: "Theme Chocolatine", path: "./theme-chocolatine/web" },
{ name: "FrontCommerce B2B", path: "./modules/front-commerce-b2b/web" },

While it served its purpose, these challenges paved the way for a more streamlined and user-friendly approach in subsequent versions.

Front-Commerce 3.x: An unified, simplified configuration file

Fast forward to v3, and we've completely refactored how a Front-Commerce app configuration was defined. The configuration is now made through a single file, front-commerce.config.js, which includes all the necessary information for running a Front-Commerce app. Let's break down the key enhancements.

import { defineConfig } from "@front-commerce/core/config";
import themeChocolatine from "@front-commerce/theme-chocolatine";
import magento2 from "@front-commerce/magento2";
import adobeB2B from "@front-commerce/adobe-b2b";
import storesConfig from "./app/config/stores";
import cacheConfig from "./app/config/caching";
import appCSPProvider from "./app/config/cspProvider";

export default defineConfig({
extensions: [themeChocolatine(), magento2({ storesConfig }), adobeB2B()],
stores: storesConfig,
cache: cacheConfig,
configuration: {
providers: [appCSPProvider()],
v2_compat: {
useApolloClientQueries: true,
useFormsy: true,
pwa: {
appName: "Front-Commerce",
shortName: "Front-Commerce",
description: "My e-commerce application",
themeColor: "#fbb03b",
icon: "assets/icon.png",
maskableIcon: "assets/icon.png",

Single Source of Truth

In contrast to v2, the v3 configuration file is now the single endpoint for all things application-related. All extensions are registered through this file like before, but it now also features the various configuration previously found in src/config/*.js files, such as stores and caching configuration. This makes using the configuration details much more reliable in the app.

Typing with TypeScript

Leveling up the developer experience, the v3 configuration file is now fully typed using TypeScript. Autocomplete and type checking bring a greater level of clarity and confidence when writing your app’s configuration, while also giving a quick sneak peek of each extension features and customizations.

Extension API

As said above, v2’s “modules” have evolved into "extensions" in v3. Their registration is now a eased through a simplified extension API (defineExtension() and defineRemixExtension()) which streamlines the process and makes your application more modular and extensible. Each extension can directly define their own needs so that their usage is simplified in front-commerce.config.js

This subject however deserves a whole article to be written about it — **stay tuned** 👀.


Theme overrides, once defined via webModules, are now an integral part of the configuration. Registering them becomes as straightforward as any other extension, streamlining the overall architecture, and further reducing the main configuration file responsibilities.

No more use of src/config/*.js

V3 eliminates the need for separate configuration files (src/config/*.js) for stores and caching. Previously, those files were imported and used by components all over the codebase. Now, those are directly included in front-commerce.config.js, promoting a cleaner and more organized setup. This configuration is accessible through a shared “config” that is available in all key location in the code.

Embracing the change

The transition from V2 to V3 marks a paradigm shift in how we approach configuration. With a consolidated and type-safe configuration file, we are confident developers can embrace a more efficient and enjoyable development experience. In upcoming version, further specific extension points will be added to complete our “configuration arsenal”, and make it even better than before.

Please let us now what you think about this, and stay tuned for the Front-Commerce Advent Calendar’s next article!