3.3 -> 3.4
This page lists the highlights for upgrading a project from Front-Commerce 3.3 to 3.4
This release includes important improvements and structural changes. Please follow this guide thoroughly to avoid any issues. If you have any questions or need help, please reach out to our support team.
Update dependencies
In order to update your project to Front-Commerce 3.4, you need to:
- add
to your project - update all your
dependencies to 2.8.1+ - update all your
dependencies to this version - remove
and its related packages
Here are the commands to run:
pnpm remove remix-pwa @remix-pwa/dev @remix-pwa/worker-runtime @remix-pwa/cache @remix-pwa/strategy @remix-pwa/sw
pnpm add -D vite
pnpm add sharp workbox-window
pnpm update "@remix-run/*@2.8.1"
# And finally update all your Front-Commerce dependencies
pnpm update "@front-commerce/*@3.4.0"
While you're at it, we recommend to add vitest
related packages as well
(further details below, in
Add vitest
to your project):
pnpm add -D vitest @vitest/coverage-istanbul @testing-library/react @testing-library/jest-dom @remix-run/testing jsdom
Automated Migration
We provide a codemod to automatically update your codebase to the latest version
of Front-Commerce. This tool will update your code when possible and flag the
places where you need to manually update your code (with // TODO Codemod
pnpm run front-commerce migrate --transform 3.4.0
Vite Migration
In Front-Commerce v3.4, we have migrated to remix using vite
, please read
their blog post to find out more about the changes:
Remix Vite is Now Stable.
This introduces some breaking changes which require manual intervention, all those changes will be listed below.
For more details about the changes in a Remix application, you can follow Remix migration guide, and use the skeleton as reference.
Create a vite.config.ts
configuration file
It replaces the remix.config.js
configuration file, and is now the central hub
for the Vite configuration (for local dev and build).
Here is a recommended minimal configuration for Front-Commerce:
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import { vitePlugin as frontCommerce } from "@front-commerce/remix/vite";
export default defineConfig((env) => {
return {
plugins: [frontCommerce({ env })],
Update package.json
Add "type": "module"
"sideEffects": false,
+ "type": "module",
// ...
Update commands
We have deprecated the internal build
and dev
cli commands in favor of the
normal commands used in remix
"scripts": {
- "build": "front-commerce build",
- "dev": "front-commerce dev --manual -c \"pnpm run dev:server\"",
- "dev:debug": "front-commerce dev --manual -c \"pnpm run dev:server --inspect\"",
- "dev:server": "tsx watch --ignore ./build/version.txt --ignore ./build/index.js --clear-screen=false -r tsconfig-paths/register server.ts",
- "start": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production tsx -r tsconfig-paths/register ./server.ts",
+ "dev": "node --import tsx/esm ./server.mjs",
+ "dev:debug": "node --inspect --import tsx/esm ./server.mjs",
+ "build": "NODE_OPTIONS='--import tsx/esm' remix vite:build",
+ "start": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production node --import tsx/esm ./server.mjs",
Add required meta
to extension definitions
Each extension definition now requires the
for the extension in the
This will be automatically be added by the migration script.
import { defineExtension } from "@front-commerce/core";
export default defineExtension({
namespace: "Acme",
meta: import.meta,
Update your tsconfig.template.json
First you can delete your tsconfig.json
$ rm -rf tsconfig.json
Then you should apply the following changes to your tsconfig.template.json
diff --git a/tsconfig.template.json b/tsconfig.template.json
index 850611384..12a544096 100644
--- a/tsconfig.template.json
+++ b/tsconfig.template.json
@@ -1,17 +1,29 @@
- "include": ["remix.env.d.ts", "**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx"],
+ "include": [
+ "env.d.ts",
+ "**/*.ts",
+ "**/*.tsx",
+ "server.mjs",
+ "./node_modules/@front-commerce/**/*.ts",
+ "./node_modules/@front-commerce/**/*.tsx",
+ "./node_modules/@front-commerce/**/*.js",
+ "./node_modules/@front-commerce/**/*.jsx"
+ ],
"compilerOptions": {
- "lib": ["DOM", "DOM.Iterable", "ES2019"],
+ "lib": ["DOM", "DOM.Iterable", "ES2022"],
"isolatedModules": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
"jsx": "react-jsx",
- "moduleResolution": "node",
+ "module": "ESNext",
+ "moduleResolution": "Bundler",
"resolveJsonModule": true,
- "target": "ES2019",
+ "target": "ES2022",
"strict": true,
"allowJs": true,
+ "skipLibCheck": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
- "baseUrl": ".",
+ "baseUrl": "./",
"noEmit": true
"compileOnSave": false
Add vitest
to your project
We have introduced vitest in the skeleton, to benefit from the new testing you need to add the following to your project
- Add
configuration file - Add
setup file - Add
to yourtsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"types": ["vitest/globals"],
} - Add the test commands to your
"scripts": {
"test": "NODE_OPTIONS='--import tsx/esm' vitest"
} - Install the test packages
pnpm add vitest @vitest/coverage-istanbul @testing-library/react @testing-library/jest-dom @remix-run/testing @vitest/coverage-v8 jsdom
You should now be ready to write your first test 🧪.
Removal of Meta Modules
In this version we have removed support for
Meta Modules
from the final GraphQL module definition API. Front-Commerce extensions shared
the same responsibility, and should be used instead. This will be handled by the
automated migration script.
If the automated migration script detects any mixed
modules, it will add the
following comment:
// TODO Codemod: meta-modules were removed in favor of extensions
Please ensure you update the mixed module manually by following this example
// Example of Mixed Module
import ModuleA from "./moduleA";
import ModuleB from "./moduleB";
export default {
modules: [ModuleA, ModuleB] // this represents a meta module
dependencies: [],
typeDefs: "",
First move all the GraphQL
module logic to a new file. (in our example
import {createGraphqlModule} from "@front-commerce/graphql";
export default createGraphqlModule({
typeDefs: /* GraphQL */"",
Then convert the meta
module to a collection of GraphqlModules
import ModuleCore from "./moduleCore";
import ModuleA from "./moduleA";
import ModuleB from "./moduleB";
export default [
You can then add this directly to your extension definition
import { defineExtension } from "@front-commerce/core";
import modules from "./modules"
export default defineExtension({
namespace: "Acme",
modules: [modules]
If you included the typeDefs
in your graphql module, then you don't need to
pass it to the
import { defineExtension } from "@front-commerce/core";
import modules from "./modules"
export default defineExtension({
namespace: "Acme",
modules: [modules]
schema: ["./extensions/acme-extension/**/schema.gql"]
Refactor of routes
In this version we updated how routes
parameter from defineRemixExtension
resolved. When using folder based routing, you should pass import.meta.url
the routes
in your extension definition:
name: "acme",
theme: "./extensions/acme/theme",
routes: import.meta.url,
files in your extensions aren't needed anymore, and can now be
For more information, see
's API reference
Additionally, we removed the UNSTABLE_routes
API. If you were previously
extending a layout or route file using UNSTABLE_routes
, you will have to
remove its usage and instead copy the original file entirely and apply your
override on it.
For more information about this change, see the
Extend a route layout guide.
Transitioning to ESM
With Front-Commerce v3.4, we have finalized the transition to ESM for all our codebase and dependencies.
It also means that you may face some issues with configuration files or older dependencies that are not ESM compatible. Please head to our Transitioning to ESM guide to learn more.
Replacement of remix-pwa
in favor of vite-pwa
In this version we have moved PWA concerns to standard building tools. It
implied the replacement of remix-pwa
with vite-pwa
. You will need to remove
the packages and their usage from your project:
pnpm remove remix-pwa @remix-pwa/dev @remix-pwa/worker-runtime @remix-pwa/cache @remix-pwa/strategy @remix-pwa/sw
In order to find the uses of those package in your project, you can use this command:
grep "remix-pwa" src/ -r
You will also need to add additional packages used in the service worker to your project:
pnpm add workbox-window workbox-routing
From graphql.unstable_module
to graphql.module
In Front-Commerce v3.4 we've created a brand new GraphQL module API. The migration has been automated in the automated migration script, here's a guide to help understand the migration to the new API:
Runtime is now the core of GraphQL modules, you can check the createGraphQLRuntime documentation to learn more about this. The migration is pretty straightforward:
import resolvers from "./resolvers";
import AcmeLoader from "./loader";
export default {
namespace: "AcmeModule",
dependencies: ["Front-Commerce/Core"],
contextEnhancer: ({ req }) => {
const axiosInstance = makeUserClientFromRequest(req);
return {
Acme: AcmeLoader(axiosInstance),
import { createGraphQLModule } from "@front-commerce/core/graphql";
export default createGraphQLModule({
namespace: "AcmeModule",
dependencies: ["Front-Commerce/Core"],
loadRuntime: () => import("./runtime"),
typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ `
extend type Mutation {
getAcme: String
import { createGraphQLRuntime } from "@front-commerce/core/graphql";
import { makeUserClientFromRequest } from "@front-commerce/magento2/axios";
import resolvers from "./resolvers";
export default createGraphQLRuntime({
resolvers: {
Mutation: {
getAcme: () => "Acme",
contextEnhancer: ({ req }) => {
const axiosInstance = makeUserClientFromRequest(req);
return {
Acme: AcmeLoader(axiosInstance);
Extension definition
Now that you've converted your legacy module to new GraphQLModule, you can register your module in your extension like this:
import {
} from "@front-commerce/core";
import AcmeModule from "./module";
export default defineExtension({
name: "Acme",
graphql: {
unstable_module: ["./AcmeModule/module"]
modules: [AcmeModule]
Inlining typeDefs
Prior to Front-Commerce v3.4, you had to write type definitions in a dedicated
file (usually named schema.gql
) then import it into your module.
Now type definitions must be inlined into your GraphQL module definition (via
the typeDefs
attribute), to do so, please see the
createGraphQLModule example
Flash values in sessions
We've added two new methods to our sessions adapter related to flash values. If you've wrote your own session adapter, you need to implement these two new methods. Please check this commit for more details.
In this release, we added Storybook to the skeleton as an example. To add it in your existing application, follow the instructions below. For more information, see the related commit.
Add Storybook to your project
First, install Storybook dependencies and main addons in your project's dev dependencies:
pnpm i -D "@chromatic-com/storybook" "@storybook/addon-essentials" "@storybook/addon-interactions" "@storybook/addon-links" "@storybook/addon-onboarding" "@storybook/blocks" "@storybook/builder-vite" "@storybook/react" "@storybook/react-vite" "@storybook/test" "eslint-plugin-storybook" "storybook" "storybook-react-intl"
Add the Storybook script to your project's package.json
Here are some examples of scripts allowing you to run and build your Storybook styleguide. We recommend using the same build options if you're deploying on Front-Commerce Cloud:
"scripts": {
// ...
+ "styleguide": "NODE_OPTIONS='--import tsx/esm' storybook dev -p 6006",
+ "buildstyleguide": "NODE_OPTIONS='--import tsx/esm --inspect' storybook build --output-dir=./build/styleguide --config-dir=./.storybook --debug"
Update your .eslintrc.cjs
This recommended plugin allows to provide useful checks for your Storybook stories:
// ...
module.exports = {
extends: [
+ "plugin:storybook/recommended",
// ...
Update your .gitignore
The following log files are useful for troubleshooting your Storybook setup but must not be versioned:
// ...
+ *storybook.log
Code changes
Requisition list related theme changes
In this release, we fixed some issues related to the requisition lists in the
If your project is using the requisition lists feature, you will
need to update those files as detailed below, or copy the ones from the latest
diff --git a/theme/modules/RequisitionList/AddCartToRequisitionList/AddCartToRequisitionList.jsx b/theme/modules/RequisitionList/AddCartToRequisitionList/AddCartToRequisitionList.jsx
index 3d7bcfc99..6c039d270 100644
--- a/theme/modules/RequisitionList/AddCartToRequisitionList/AddCartToRequisitionList.jsx
+++ b/theme/modules/RequisitionList/AddCartToRequisitionList/AddCartToRequisitionList.jsx
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import { useMemo } from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import AddToRequisitionList from "theme/modules/RequisitionList/AddToRequisitionList";
import { resolveSelectedOptions } from "theme/pages/Product/useSelectedProductWithConfigurableOptions";
+import { resolveSelectedBundleOptions } from "theme/pages/Product/useSelectedProductWithBundleOptions";
import {
@@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ import {
const AddCartToRequisitionList = ({ id = "cart", cart, size }) => {
const cartItems = cart.items;
const items = useMemo(() => {
- return cartItems.map(({ product, options, qty }) => {
+ return cartItems.map(({ product, options, bundleOptions, qty }) => {
const productOptions = product.options?.map((option) => ({
id: option.attribute.id,
label: option.attribute.label,
@@ -23,6 +24,10 @@ const AddCartToRequisitionList = ({ id = "cart", cart, size }) => {
+ selectedBundleOptions: resolveSelectedBundleOptions(
+ product.bundleOptions,
+ bundleOptions
+ ),
quantity: qty,
diff --git a/theme/modules/RequisitionList/AddProductToRequisitionList/AddProductToRequisitionList.jsx b/theme/modules/RequisitionList/AddProductToRequisitionList/AddProductToRequisitionList.jsx
index 0e5cc0958..d73bde2aa 100644
--- a/theme/modules/RequisitionList/AddProductToRequisitionList/AddProductToRequisitionList.jsx
+++ b/theme/modules/RequisitionList/AddProductToRequisitionList/AddProductToRequisitionList.jsx
@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ const AddProductToRequisitionList = ({
+ redirectOnAddToRequisitionList={
+ // URL to the bundle product
+ product.bundleOptions?.length ? `/product/${product.sku}` : null
+ }
diff --git a/theme/modules/RequisitionList/AddToRequisitionList/AddToRequisitionList.jsx b/theme/modules/RequisitionList/AddToRequisitionList/AddToRequisitionList.jsx
index 13efd3b41..a79e5b025 100644
--- a/theme/modules/RequisitionList/AddToRequisitionList/AddToRequisitionList.jsx
+++ b/theme/modules/RequisitionList/AddToRequisitionList/AddToRequisitionList.jsx
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Icon from "theme/components/atoms/Icon";
import SelectMenu from "theme/components/molecules/SelectMenu";
import messages from "theme/modules/RequisitionList/AddToRequisitionList/AddToRequisitionListMessages";
import { useIntl } from "react-intl";
+import { useNavigate } from "@remix-run/react";
/** @type {import('./EnhanceAddToRequisitionList').BaseComponent} */
const AddToRequisitionList = ({
@@ -22,11 +23,24 @@ const AddToRequisitionList = ({
+ redirectOnAddToRequisitionList,
}) => {
const intl = useIntl();
const [isRequisitionListMenuOpen, setIsRequisitionListMenuOpen] =
+ const navigate = useNavigate();
+ const shouldRedirect =
+ showOptionsModalIfNotFullyConfigured &&
+ isRequisitionListMenuOpen &&
+ redirectOnAddToRequisitionList;
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (shouldRedirect) {
+ navigate(redirectOnAddToRequisitionList);
+ }
+ }, [shouldRedirect]);
const selectItems = useMemo(() => {
if (!requisitionLists) {
diff --git a/theme/modules/RequisitionList/AddToRequisitionList/withAddMultipleItemsToRequisitionListMutation.jsx b/theme/modules/RequisitionList/AddToRequisitionList/withAddMultipleItemsToRequisitionListMutation.jsx
index ff92ad7e1..e0ca0580e 100644
--- a/theme/modules/RequisitionList/AddToRequisitionList/withAddMultipleItemsToRequisitionListMutation.jsx
+++ b/theme/modules/RequisitionList/AddToRequisitionList/withAddMultipleItemsToRequisitionListMutation.jsx
@@ -75,20 +75,29 @@ const withAddMultipleItemsToRequisitionListMutation =
}) => ({
sku: product.sku,
- selectedConfigurableOptions: Object.entries(
- selectedConfigurableOptions
- ).map(([option_id, option_value]) => ({
- option_id,
- option_value,
- })),
- selectedBundleOptions: Object.entries(
- selectedBundleOptions
- ).map(([option_id, { quantity, values }]) => {
- return {
- option_id,
- option_values: values.map((value) => ({ quantity, value })),
- };
- }),
+ selectedConfigurableOptions:
+ Object.keys(selectedConfigurableOptions || {}).length > 0
+ ? Object.entries(selectedConfigurableOptions).map(
+ ([option_id, option_value]) => ({
+ option_id,
+ option_value,
+ })
+ )
+ : undefined,
+ selectedBundleOptions:
+ Object.keys(selectedBundleOptions || {}).length > 0
+ ? Object.entries(selectedBundleOptions).map(
+ ([option_id, { quantity, values }]) => {
+ return {
+ option_id,
+ option_values: values.map((value) => ({
+ quantity,
+ value,
+ })),
+ };
+ }
+ )
+ : undefined,
diff --git a/theme/modules/RequisitionList/ProductConfigurationModal/ProductConfigurationModalContent.jsx b/theme/modules/RequisitionList/ProductConfigurationModal/ProductConfigurationModalContent.jsx
index 5883fae10..e0449a188 100644
--- a/theme/modules/RequisitionList/ProductConfigurationModal/ProductConfigurationModalContent.jsx
+++ b/theme/modules/RequisitionList/ProductConfigurationModal/ProductConfigurationModalContent.jsx
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { FormattedMessage } from "react-intl";
import useSelectedProductWithConfigurableOptions from "theme/pages/Product/useSelectedProductWithConfigurableOptions";
import ConfigurableOptions from "theme/modules/Cart/CartItem/CartItemOptionsUpdater/ConfigurableOptions";
import { H2 } from "theme/components/atoms/Typography/Heading";
-import Form from "theme/compat/components/atoms/Form/Form";
+import { Form } from "@remix-run/react";
import FormTitle from "theme/components/molecules/Form/FormTitle";
import useProductBySkuLoader from "theme/hooks/useProductBySkuLoader";
import Stack from "theme/components/atoms/Layout/Stack";
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ const AddToRequisitionList = ({
}, [requisitionLists, intl]);
const onAddToARequisitionList = (requisitionListId) => {
+ setIsRequisitionListMenuOpen(false);
if (!addingToRequisitionList) {
@@ -74,21 +74,22 @@ const ProductConfigurationModalContent = ({
- const formRef = useRef();
const [showNotAllOptionsSelected, setShowNotAllOptionsSelected] =
- const onChangeOptions = useCallback(() => {
- const model = formRef.current.getModel();
- Object.keys(model)
- .filter(
- (key) =>
- key.indexOf("custom:") !== 0 && typeof model[key] !== "undefined"
- )
- .forEach((optionId) =>
- setOption(optionId, model[optionId].value || model[optionId])
- );
- }, [setOption]);
+ const onChangeOptions = useCallback(
+ (e) => {
+ const input = e.target;
+ const form = input.form;
+ const data = new FormData(form);
+ for (const pair of data.entries()) {
+ if (pair[0].indexOf("custom:") !== 0 && pair[1]) {
+ setOption(pair[0], pair[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ [setOption]
+ );
const allOptionsSet = useMemo(
() => selectedProduct && areAllOptionsSet(selectedProduct, selectedOptions),
@@ -119,8 +120,7 @@ const ProductConfigurationModalContent = ({
return (
- setRef={(form) => (formRef.current = form)}
- onValidSubmit={() => onConfiurationsSelected(selectedOptions)}
+ onSubmit={() => onConfiurationsSelected(selectedOptions)}
diff --git a/theme/modules/Cart/CartItem/CartItemOptionsUpdater/CartItemOptionsUpdaterFragment.gql b/theme/modules/Cart/CartItem/CartItemOptionsUpdater/CartItemOptionsUpdaterFragment.gql
index 19f85b84e..954bbb896 100644
--- a/theme/modules/Cart/CartItem/CartItemOptionsUpdater/CartItemOptionsUpdaterFragment.gql
+++ b/theme/modules/Cart/CartItem/CartItemOptionsUpdater/CartItemOptionsUpdaterFragment.gql
@@ -17,6 +17,14 @@ fragment CartItemCustomOption on Product {
+ bundleOptions {
+ id
+ label
+ values {
+ label
+ value
+ }
+ }
custom_options {
index 35e3fa61b..f1933f1a3 100644
--- a/packages/adobe-b2b/theme/modules/RequisitionList/AddToRequisitionList/withAddMultipleItemsToNewRequisitionListMutation.jsx
+++ b/packages/adobe-b2b/theme/modules/RequisitionList/AddToRequisitionList/withAddMultipleItemsToNewRequisitionListMutation.jsx
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { useCallback, useState } from "react";
import RequisitionListCreateModal from "theme/modules/RequisitionList/RequisitionListModal/RequisitionListCreateModal";
+import { AddToRequisitionListQueryDocument } from "~/graphql/graphql";
* @callback AddToRequisitionListFunction
@@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ const withAddMultipleItemsToNewRequisitionListMutation =
onSuccess={({ id }) =>
addToRequisitionList(id, addToRequisitionListItems)
+ readQuery={AddToRequisitionListQueryDocument}
index 2e7d94b3c..b6addced8 100644
--- a/packages/adobe-b2b/theme/modules/RequisitionList/RequisitionListAdd/RequisitionListAdd.jsx
+++ b/packages/adobe-b2b/theme/modules/RequisitionList/RequisitionListAdd/RequisitionListAdd.jsx
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import RequisitionListCreateModal from "theme/modules/RequisitionList/Requisitio
import { useState } from "react";
import PrimaryButton from "theme/components/atoms/Button/PrimaryButton";
-const RequisitionListAdd = ({ readQuery }) => {
+const RequisitionListAdd = () => {
const [isOpenModal, setOpenModal] = useState(false);
return (
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ const RequisitionListAdd = ({ readQuery }) => {
onRequestClose={() => {
- readQuery={readQuery}
<PrimaryButton onClick={() => setOpenModal(true)}>
index e2e1fe8eb..8b0c686d4 100644
--- a/packages/adobe-b2b/theme/modules/RequisitionList/RequisitionListModal/RequisitionListCreateModal/RequisitionListCreateModal.jsx
+++ b/packages/adobe-b2b/theme/modules/RequisitionList/RequisitionListModal/RequisitionListCreateModal/RequisitionListCreateModal.jsx
@@ -9,11 +9,17 @@ import FormActions from "theme/components/molecules/Form/FormActions";
import SubmitButton from "theme/components/atoms/Button/SubmitButton";
import { ErrorAlert } from "theme/components/molecules/Alert";
import { CreateRequisitionListMutationDocument } from "~/graphql/graphql";
+import requisitionListSorter from "theme/modules/RequisitionList/requisitionListSorter";
import { useMutation } from "react-apollo";
import { useRevalidator } from "@remix-run/react";
import RequisitionListModalForm from "theme/modules/RequisitionList/RequisitionListModal/RequisitionListModalForm";
-const RequisitionListCreateModal = ({ isOpen, onRequestClose, onSuccess }) => {
+const RequisitionListCreateModal = ({
+ isOpen,
+ onRequestClose,
+ onSuccess,
+ readQuery,
+}) => {
let [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = useState(null);
const revalidator = useRevalidator();
@@ -29,6 +35,22 @@ const RequisitionListCreateModal = ({ isOpen, onRequestClose, onSuccess }) => {
+ if (readQuery) {
+ const storedData = store.readQuery({
+ query: readQuery,
+ });
+ store.writeQuery({
+ query: readQuery,
+ data: {
+ me: {
+ ...storedData.me,
+ requisitionLists: storedData.me.requisitionLists
+ .concat([data.requisitionList])
+ .sort(requisitionListSorter),
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ }