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Since version 3.5

This extension allows the usage of Stripe in your Front-Commerce application.


First ensure you have installed the package:

$ pnpm install @front-commerce/stripe

Front-Commerce configuration

To enable the extension, you need to add the Stripe extension definition to your front-commerce.config.ts. When doing that, you need to pass the flavor in which you want to run the extension, the flavor must be one of the following values:

  • magento1
  • magento2
  • adobe-b2b

For instance, in a Adobe B2B based project, the front-commerce.config.ts file would be something like:

import { defineConfig } from "@front-commerce/core/config";
import themeChocolatine from "@front-commerce/theme-chocolatine";
import magento2 from "@front-commerce/magento2";
import stripe from "@front-commerce/stripe";
import storesConfig from "./app/config/stores";
import cacheConfig from "./app/config/caching";

export default defineConfig({
extensions: [
magento2({ storesConfig }),
stripe("adobe-b2b"), // ⚠️ needs to be after themeChocolatine()
stores: storesConfig,
cache: cacheConfig,
configuration: {
providers: [],

Register your Stripe payment components


The current method for configuring payment components is an interim solution. We recognize that it may be cumbersome for users. Please be assured that this process will undergo significant improvements in the future, as Front-Commerce evolves to include more versatile extension points for Payment systems.

  1. Override the file that lets you register additional payments methods in Front-Commerce

    mkdir -p app/theme/modules/Checkout/Payment/AdditionalPaymentInformation/
    cp -u node_modules/@front-commerce/theme-chocolatine/theme/modules/Checkout/Payment/AdditionalPaymentInformation/getAdditionalDataComponent.js app/theme/modules/Checkout/Payment/AdditionalPaymentInformation/getAdditionalDataComponent.js
  2. Register Stripe

    +import StripeCheckout from "theme/modules/Checkout/Payment/AdditionalPaymentInformation/StripeCheckout";

    const ComponentMap = {
    + stripe: StripeCheckout,


After restarting Front-Commerce, you should be able to see a new payment method called "credit card" in your checkout step.