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Use as a Front-Commerce payment

This guides explains how to configure the Adyen extension to use it with Front-Commerce payment methods.

Front-Commerce configuration


Please be sure to configure your store's URL properly in the app/config/stores.js file.

Misconfiguration of the store's URL can lead to issues with the Adyen payment methods.

After installing the Adyen package, you need to enable the corresponding extension. For that, you need to tweak your front-commerce.config.ts file like:

import { defineConfig } from "@front-commerce/core/config";
import themeChocolatine from "@front-commerce/theme-chocolatine";
import magento2 from "@front-commerce/magento2"; // or magento1
import adyen from "@front-commerce/adyen";
import storesConfig from "./app/config/stores";
import cacheConfig from "./app/config/caching";

const adyenFlavor = "front-commerce-magento2"; // or "front-commerce-magento1"

export default defineConfig({
extensions: [
magento2({ storesConfig }),
adyen(adyenFlavor), // ⚠️ need to be after themeChocolatine()
stores: storesConfig,
cache: cacheConfig,
configuration: {
providers: [],

Add the required environment variables

In the .env, you need to define the following environment variables:

# the Adyen client key is prefixed with live_ or test_

See our extension reference for more information about these variables.

Register your Adyen payment components


This is a temporary way to setup payment components. We are aware that it is tedious. It will definitely change in the future, when Front-Commerce will support new extension points for Payments.

  1. Override the file that lets you register additional payments forms in Front-Commerce

    mkdir -p app/theme/modules/Checkout/Payment/AdditionalPaymentInformation/
    cp -u node_modules/@front-commerce/theme-chocolatine/theme/modules/Checkout/Payment/AdditionalPaymentInformation/getAdditionalDataComponent.js app/theme/modules/Checkout/Payment/AdditionalPaymentInformation/getAdditionalDataComponent.js
  2. Register Adyen

    +import AdyenCheckout from "theme/modules/Checkout/Payment/AdditionalPaymentInformation/AdyenCheckout";

    const ComponentMap = {};

    const getAdditionalDataComponent = (method) => {
    + if (method.code.startsWith("adyen_")) {
    + return AdyenCheckout;
    + }
    return ComponentMap[method.code];
  3. Override the file that lets you register additional payments actions in Front-Commerce

    mkdir -p app/theme/modules/Checkout/PlaceOrder
    cp -u node_modules/@front-commerce/theme-chocolatine/theme/modules/Checkout/PlaceOrder/getAdditionalActionComponent.js app/theme/modules/Checkout/PlaceOrder/getAdditionalActionComponent.js
  4. Register the Adyen action

    import None from "theme/modules/Checkout/PlaceOrder/AdditionalAction/None";
    +import Adyen from "theme/modules/Checkout/PlaceOrder/AdditionalAction/Adyen";

    const ComponentMap = {};

    const getAdditionalActionComponent = (paymentCode, paymentAdditionalData) => {
    + if (paymentCode.startsWith("adyen")) {
    + return Adyen;
    + }
    return ComponentMap?.[paymentCode] ?? None;

Register custom styles (optional)

Developers can customize Adyen drop-in UI styles using CSS.

You can add an optional stylesheet from Front-Commerce in your application to customize styles. The provided stylesheet reuses existing styles from the theme as much as possible for a good integration by default. You can override it if needed to adapt the UI as wanted.

Add the following line to your your main .scss file to load these styles:

@import "theme/modules/Adyen/dropinCustomizations";

Add webhook

In your Adyen Customer Area under Developers > Webhooks click on the + Webkook button on the right top corner then click on Add for the Standard Notification type. Fill the fields as follows:

  • Transport:
    • URL: the full url of your site followed by /webhooks/payment/notification/adyen e.g.
    • Method: JSON
  • Authentication:
    • User Name: the FRONT_COMMERCE_ADYEN_NOTIFICATION_USERNAME environment variable defined above
    • Password: the FRONT_COMMERCE_ADYEN_NOTIFICATION_PASSWORD environment variable defined above
  • Additional Settings
    • HMAC Key (HEX Encoded): click generate and copy it to FRONT_COMMERCE_ADYEN_HMAC_KEY environment variable defined above

Enable Adyen's Stored Payment Methods (optional)

You can opt for Adyen to store your customers' credit card information and allow a faster checkout experience by adding FRONT_COMMERCE_ADYEN_STORE_PAYMENT_DETAILS=true in your .env file.

If you are using the default Front-Commerce Adyen component, your customer should now be able to save their credit card information during checkout by checking the "Save for my next payment" checkbox.

Enable Paypal payments

To enable PayPal payments, you need to add PayPal payment method in your Adyen account.

Enable Google Pay payments

To enable Google Pay payments, you need to add Google Pay payment method in your Adyen account.

Test it

To make sure Adyen APIs are properly used, you can restart Front-Commerce with the DEBUG environment variable containing front-commerce:payment:adyen so that it displays various information on the requests:

Run Front-Commerce with Adyen's debug flag
DEBUG=front-commerce:payment:adyen pnpm run dev

After restarting Front-Commerce, you should be able to see the payment methods you have configured in your Adyen account at the "Payment" step of the checkout.