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Version: 2.x


Since version 2.21

Deliver perfectly sized images in real-time to create visual-rich experiences.


Add the twicpics module to your config file:

module.exports = {
name: "Front Commerce",
modules: [

Add the TwicPics styling to your theme:

// If you did not override the main styling, you can import the default one
// @import "~front-commerce/src/web/theme/main";
@import "~front-commerce/theme-chocolatine/web/theme/main";

@import "~theme/twicpics";

Update your CSP to allow TwicPics to work:

  contentSecurityPolicy: {
directives: {
- scriptSrc: [],
+ scriptSrc: ["https://*"],
frameSrc: [],
styleSrc: [],
- imgSrc: [],
+ imgSrc: ["https://*"],
fontSrc: [],
connectSrc: [],
baseUri: [],


In order to use TwicPics, you need to extend your src/config/images.js config.

  • domain (required): the Cloud Name of your TwicPics environment (see reference)
  • paths: paths which should be proxied to TwicPics. (see reference)
module.exports = {
twicpics: {
domain: "https://<sub>",
paths: [
source: "/media", // the source to match, (eg `/media` would match `/media/image.jpg`, or `` would match ``)
path: "/my-media", // the path configured in TwicPics as a path for the source.