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Prototype your next eCommerce application with Front-Commerce Lite

· 3 min read

Our team is happy to announce Front-Commerce Lite, an open source boilerplate to prototype, experiment and learn the stack behind Front-Commerce. Find it on Github: front-commerce/front-commerce-lite

Why Front-Commerce Lite?

We are on a mission to improve web quality and shopping experience on eCommerce stores. Hence our vision is to provide a product that contains all the best practices for building qualitative online stores, so teams can stay focused on what is relevant to their context.

One of the most frequent feedback we have from developers and teams when introducing Front-Commerce is:

Your product looks neat! Could we start playing with it, in order to (insert a totally valid reason here)?

We want you to understand the philosophy and the power of the technologies and architecture principles we chose. In our opinion code is the best way to do it!

Front-Commerce Lite is just that: a simpler version of Front-Commerce. It uses the same libraries and follows the same principles and conventions. A direct consequence is that our documentation works for both Front-Commerce and Front-Commerce Lite. And it is open source!

Why should I care?

You may sooner or later be wondering what product you should use to build your next project. We believe Front-Commerce has some serious advantages over other products out there (or soon-to-be), and the stores already in production with the current Front-Commerce codebase prove it!

Front-Commerce Lite can help you to get a taste of what choosing Front-Commerce could bring for you, your team, your company and your customers. Here are some ideas about what you could do with this open source version:

  • start learning new technologies and concepts,
  • experiment an idea with your team,
  • evaluate Front-Commerce,
  • convince your boss,
  • or win projects by building a PoC.

Because of its maturity, Front-Commerce has much more features and things that you maybe have not yet think about. We have made some opinionated choices, and we recommend you to read the What it is NOT section of its README for more details.

How do I get started?

Take a 15 minutes slot and run the following commands:

  1. git clone
  2. cd front-commerce-lite && npm install
  3. npm start
  4. open your favorite editor and start coding!

In case you want to understand step by step what is happening or if you encounter difficulties to install or launch the project, we are here to learn! Time has come to discover our official documentation for developers:

Install Front-Commerce Lite (

If you still have troubles with this task, feel free to get in touch with us and ask questions. It could be a problem on our side too.

Share your prototypes

We would be happy to see what you achieve with Front-Commerce Lite and the user experiences you created.

Publish your prototypes on Github and add the front-commerce-lite topic to your repository (and send us a tweet). Browse this topic to get inspired by other prototypes and learn.

Going in production

Convinced that Front-Commerce Lite’s stack is viable enough for your project? If yes, we achieved our goal!

Contact our team to get further information and contract a Front-Commerce license.

We can also help you prototype your next project or assist you with the architectural choices to make.

PS: people from our team will attend Reacticon in Eindhoven and Magento Live Europe, Barcelona in the next weeks. Do not hesitate to engage discussion or plan a meeting.