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Release: 3.8 & 2.33

· 7 min read
Pierre Martin

Gezy major features and customer-driven improvements

As more projects go live with Front-Commerce 3.x or upgrade to the latest versions, we've received valuable feedback from our customers. Front-Commerce 3.8 incorporates core improvements and features to support projects with diverse and specific requirements.

This release marks a major milestone for our Gezy integration, introducing core e-commerce functionalities. We're excited to announce that you can now confidently start a project with Front-Commerce and Gezy, as we've implemented essential features and are now focusing on advanced capabilities!

As always, this release includes bug fixes that enhance the overall stability, DX and performance of the platform.

Gezy: key features implemented

Building on the foundations laid in version 3.7, we've successfully implemented core e-commerce functionalities for the Gezy platform. This release provides all the essential features to guide a visitor from browsing your catalog to becoming a customer with their first completed order!

We took this opportunity to enrich our GraphQL core schema with additional data for core entities and improved our default theme to support these new features.

Our team is now focusing on advanced capabilities, including:

  • Professional account management
  • Sophisticated payment and shipping methods
  • Custom pricing logic

Curious about how Gezy can benefit your projects? We invite you to explore its potential. Reach out to us to schedule a personalized demo and get answers to your questions. Let's discuss how Gezy and Front-Commerce can power your next e-commerce initiative!

Contribution Mode : enhanced Support for complex pages

As e-commerce websites grow more sophisticated, there's an increasing demand for complex, content-rich pages. Some of our customers found technical issues with the Contribution mode when browsing pages with numerous components from different sources.

We've addressed this challenge in our latest release by enhancing the technical foundation of Contribution mode. This update allows for the creation and display of significantly more complex pages, supporting a possibly unlimited number of components simultaneously.

While this update doesn't introduce new features visible to end-users, it significantly improves the protocol used by Front-Commerce to enrich the UI with information about the data to assist contributors in their work.

Technical details

Previously, we relied on HTTP response headers to provide metadata about displayed blocks, which had inherent limitations.

Our new implementation uses a dedicated query to the backend to retrieve this metadata. This approach circumvents the previous constraints, ensuring that your complex pages load correctly, even when accessed through CDNs or proxies that might have imposed limitations on header sizes.

OpenTelemetry instrumentation

Another important improvement landed in this release. We have updated the OpenTelemetry instrumentation to provide clearer insights into your application's external requests. This instrumentation allows you to monitor your system's interactions with external services to detect performance issues or bottlenecks.

While this was already possible with Front-Commerce 2.x, we have improved the way the instrumentation is set up to allow you to customize the way requests are grouped and monitored.

It opens up the possibility to:

  • Customizable request grouping: You now have the flexibility to group and categorize requests according to your specific monitoring needs.
  • Human-Readable service names: Replace cryptic hostnames with intuitive, descriptive names for outbound requests. For example:
    • "CMS" instead of
    • "PIM" for
    • "E-Commerce" to represent!
  • Differentiated API Manager requests: Easily distinguish between requests made to a single API Manager. For instance, separate from

Read more about it in the Customize Outbound Requests Metrics guide.

Other changes

We additionally worked on changes and bug fixes across different areas of the product. You'll find a summary of these changes below.


  • Magento1:
    • we now support guest newsletter confirmation for Magento1
  • Theme:
    • the PDP now displays more details about the products (brand, weight, dimensions…) for platforms exposing this information
    • we also added support for additional SEO metadata for both products and categories. Their pages now define the following tags when the data is available:
      • <meta name="robots" content="">,
      • <meta name="product:availability" content="">,
      • <meta name="product:retailer_item_id" content="">
    • we implemented cleaner ErrorBoundary components to handle different route errors, read more about it in the docs
    • we added error handling to the API fetcher and integrated error management within the MiniCart and PaypalButton components. useCart hook and withCart HOC now also expose error information.
  • DX:
    • we introduced a devErrorOverlay leveraging Vite's error overlay to provide a better experience for detecting errors when working on the project, notably during hydration
    • we now export the ResolverContext type from @front-commerce/core so it can be used in graphql modules resolvers, as well as fakes to be used in tests.
  • Core:
    • we now expose @front-commerce/remix/vite/vmod.mjs as a public API to allow reuse in custom servers
    • we now expose a isLoggedIn property in the UserJourney to have a platform agnostic way to check if the user is logged in.

Bug Fixes

These bug fixes were also backported to 2.x when relevant.

  • Cache:

    • we fixed a regression preventing custom strategies from being registered since 3.4
    • we fixed fatal errors during cache invalidation for projects using the PerMagentoCustomerGroup cache strategy
  • Magento2:

    • we fixed an issue in guest checkout paid using paypal, payzen or stripe. We now use the platform agnostic currentBillingAddress field, instead of billing_address in payment modules, to ensure that the correct address is used for the payment.
  • Routes:

    • we fixed an issue where app folder route overrides would have a full path when a layout route exists in an extension, and ensured that routes defined in /app/routes can also use layouts from extension or config based routes.
    • we now properly detect when the user is logged in to redirect them to the /login route when accessing the /register route
  • Theme:

    • we fixed an issue where PWA manifest couldn't be accessed when the app is behind a Basic Auth
    • we fixed several issues with the Slider component to prevent rendering bugs and inconsistencies when going back through the slides
    • we fixed a hydration issue when using the Wysiwyg due to and Math.random being different on SSR and CSR. We now use useId from react to ensure a stable id between server and client.
    • the renderChildNodes are now memoized to prevent unnecessary re-renders and potential infinite loops. This change ensures that when renderChildNodes is used outside of a memoized context, it doesn't create new component types on each render, improving performance and stability.
    • image preload link now uses fetchPriority instead of fetchpriority to follow React 18's requirements
  • GraphQL:

    • we introduced a new custom GraphQL Date scalar to allow developers to use a Date object or a String as a date in GraphQL queries
    • we now handle errors in GraphQL module runtimes more gracefully. Previously if the loading of a GraphQL module runtime failed, the server would crash. Now it will log the error and continue in development mode, while it will crash in production.
  • Magento:

    • /media routes now honors the FRONT_COMMERCE_BACKEND_IGNORE_CACHE_REGEX configuration
    • we fixed the WYSIWYG parsing logic to ship valid HTML code from invalid Magento's HTML. It now converts widget shortcodes wrapped in <p> tags to <div> tags. Magento automatically wraps widgets in <p> tags which results in invalid HTML in the WYSIWYG editor, which caused hydration errors in React >= 17.
  • TwicPics

    • we fixed an issue to prevent TwicPics images from being transformed with incorrect proportions
    • we also fixed an issue where TwicPics images could be blurry

Fixes from 3.8 and 2.33 have also been backported into previous minor versions. The following patch versions were released: 3.7.3, 3.6.5, 3.5.9, 3.4.11, 3.3.8, 3.2.11, 2.33.0, 2.32.2, 2.31.3, 2.30.4, 2.29.6, 2.28.8, and 2.27.10.

Upgrade Front-Commerce (Migration guides): 3.8.0, 2.33.0
Read the full changelog (Customers only): 3.8.0, 2.33.0.

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