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Version: 3.x


This page contains the most common errors you may encounter, along with information that will help to solve them quickly.

Server Issues

Problem: Server is not starting

If you're unable to prepare or start your application, follow these troubleshooting steps:

1. Check Console Output

  • Review console output for error messages and stack traces
  • Look for any information that may help identify the issue

2. Verify Installation Steps

  • Ensure you've followed all steps in the Getting Started guide
  • Missing steps or configuration details can prevent the server from starting properly

3. Clear the local redis DB

  • Run redis-cli flushall

4. Clean and Reinstall Dependencies

  • Remove the .front-commerce and node_modules directories:
    rm -rf .front-commerce node_modules
  • Reinstall dependencies:
    npm install
  • Try starting the server again… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Authentication issue

Problem: Not logged in after entering valid credentials

If you're experiencing login issues despite entering correct credentials, follow these troubleshooting steps:

1. Check Console Output

  • Look for error messages and stack traces in your console
  • These often provide valuable debugging information
  • Clear your browser cookies
  • Verify that the response includes a cookie with the correct domain
  • Check if cookies are being properly set and stored. Look for connect.sid cookie

3. Configuration Verification

  • Confirm that backend secrets are correctly configured

Problem: Infinite redirects when visiting any page

If you're experiencing infinite redirections when accessing pages, follow these troubleshooting steps:

1. Check Console Output

  • Look for error messages and stack traces in your console
  • These often provide valuable debugging information

2. Shop Detection Issues

If the problem is related to shop detection mechanism:

  • Enable configuration debug mode:
  • Verify configuration:
    • Ensure URLs in config/stores.js are valid
    • Verify if logged url matches browser URL

3. Proxy Configuration

If the URL contains unexpected port numbers:

  • Configure server proxy/load balancer to add required headers:
    • X-Forwarded-Proto
    • X-Forwarded-Port
    • X-Forwarded-For

4. HTTPS Redirection Issues

If experiencing unwanted HTTPS redirects:

  • For Production Servers:

    • Important: Implement proper HTTPS support
    • This is crucial for:
      • Security
      • SEO
      • User trust
  • For Development/Testing:

Problem: Products with slash in SKU return 404 errors

If you're experiencing 404 errors or cannot access products that have a forward slash (/) in their SKU, follow these troubleshooting steps:

Server Configuration

For Apache servers:

For Nginx servers:

Additional Resources

Client-Side Issues

Problem: JavaScript is not loading on the site

If you're experiencing JavaScript loading issues on your site, follow these troubleshooting steps:

1. Browser Compatibility

  • Identify your browser version and details
  • Check browser compatibility:
    • Review the browserslist configuration in your package.json or run pnpm dlx browserslist
    • Verify if your browser is supported by the defined list
    • Find out more here.

2. Error Investigation

  • Check for errors in browser's Developer Tools console

Problem: CSS disappearing in development mode

Since version 3.4

If you're experiencing CSS disappearing in development environment (not in production), follow these troubleshooting steps:

1. Understanding the Issue

  • This is a known React issue

  • Only affects development environment

  • Production builds are not impacted

  • Fixed in React's canary release channel


    Since Front-Commerce 3.10, React package has been updated.

2. Solution

Use package overrides to pin React version:

"dependencies": {
"react": "18.3.0-canary-...",
"react-dom": "18.3.0-canary-..."
"overrides": {
"react": "18.3.0-canary-...",
"react-dom": "18.3.0-canary-..."

This approach is similar to Next.js's internal React version management

Additional Resources

Data and API

Problem: Unexpected data returned from GraphQL server

If you're receiving unexpected data from your GraphQL queries, follow these troubleshooting steps:

1. Verify Query Behavior

  • Test the same query in /graphql playground
    • Note: Only available when FRONT_COMMERCE_ENV !== "production"
  • Compare results between playground and application

2. Debug HTTP Calls

  • Start server with HTTP debugging:
    DEBUG=axios pnpm dev
  • Monitor HTTP calls to remote systems
  • Reproduce calls manually to verify remote API responses

3. Cache Verification

  • Ensure cache data is current
  • For Redis users:

4. Resolver Investigation

  • Use the debugger (or add console.log() statements) in GraphQL resolvers
  • Track data transformation through resolver chain
  • Identify where data modifications occur

Integration Issues

Problem: Magento2 returns "The signature is invalid" error

If you're receiving a 401 HTTP Code with the message "The signature is invalid. Verify and try again" from Magento2, particularly with Admin loader features, follow these troubleshooting steps:

1. OAuth Configuration

  • Verify OAuth settings are correct
  • Test functionality:
    • Try viewing orders from a Customer account
    • Success indicates basic OAuth is working

2. Magento Patches

If you're still experiencing issues after following these steps, please contact us.

Problem: Magento 2 GraphQL class not found error

If you're encountering the error Class Magento\GraphQl\Model\Query\ContextExtensionInterfaceFactory does not exist when running GraphQL queries in Magento 2, follow these troubleshooting steps:

1. Identify the Issue

  • This error typically occurs with queries like:
    productsBySkus(skus: ["24-UB02"]) {
  • Common in developer environment after running setup:di:compile

2. Resolution Steps

For Developer Mode:

  • Remove compiled files:
    rm -rf generated/{code,metadata}
  • Note: Code compilation is not needed in developer mode

Still Having Issues?

If you've followed the troubleshooting steps and are still experiencing problems, our support team is here to help.

Please contact our support team with:

  • Steps you've already taken
  • Relevant error messages
  • Environment details
  • Any additional context that might help us assist you better